Keep It In The Closet

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I am giving you all warning; it's a little steamy in this chapter.

Mother's Memorial Celebration will be talked about for centuries. There were acrobats hanging from the ceilings, a fire master in the courtyard, dancing, singing, jesters, great food, great music, and everyone had smiles on their faces. I know Mum would have loved it. I have no idea how the wedding will top this, but Daddy and Kingsy assured Xanthe and I that no one will even remember Mum's Memorial Celebration after our wedding.

Oh, and did I mention that Robin's Marian was there and they disappeared before the dessert was served. If I know Robin, he's had plenty.

Since then, Byron has been apprehended and the Wench of Wessex has been brought here. Both are currently residing in the dungeon. Byron is a little afraid of Xanthe. Apparently, while out looking for me, he paid Byron a visit and beat him so bad Alden feared for his life. I love my man. The trial is set for tomorrow morning. Robin and his Merry Men will escort them to Wessex for their final punishment. And of course we have to be there too.

Other than that, Xanthe and I have been tasting everything from the appetizers to the desserts for our wedding, being fitted, guest lists, you name it. That reminds me, what part exactly did Kingzy and Daddy take care of?

Xanthe and I barely get any alone time, which is why we are now hiding in the abandoned wing of the castle.


Xanthe peeks stealthily out of the cracked door of Teanna's old room. Since her last visit there she has had it cleaned top to bottom. Even the spider has had to vacate the premises of her old dollhouse. Xanthe shuts and locks the door. "Do you think that they'll think to look for us here?" He takes a seat on her bed and lies back on the pillows, resting his hands behind his head, closing his eyes.

"Eventually." Teanna lies next to him running her hands through his golden curls.

He opens his jade eyes, gazing into her warm brown eyes. "We should make the most of it then." He smirks at her.

"That we should." She leans forward, pressing her soft lips to his, drawing a growl like groan from him.

He pulls her completely on top of him, running his large hands up the backs of her thighs until he reaches his destination. He grabs two handfuls of Teanna's trousered (take that spell check) plump rump and squeezes, earning a squeal from her. He dives into her mouth devouring her withering sanity.

She grabs a handful of his golden locks which only results in him squeezing her rump tighter. He flips them so she's on the bottom. He pulls up slightly, his left hand next to her head while his right cups her ample breast under her shirt; not breaking from the kiss.

Baby fists his shirt, and pushes on his chest. Air Xan, breathing is good." She moans breathlessly as Xanthe attacks the delicate skin of her neck, still fondling her breasts. He grunts in response.

Teanna hears the sound of the large doors in the hall opening, paired with the annoying lilt of the psycho wedding planner. "Xah...Xa...Xaann...I he-hear peop-people i-in t-the h-ha-all." She tried desperately to get his attention. Finally she knees him gently-ish in the ribs.

"What the bloody hell Baby?"He rubs his ribs.

She tugs him off his feet, and "straightens" the covers. "Sorry my love." She grabs his hand and runs to the closet, shutting the doors quietly behind them. She moves to the rear of the closet and finds the hidden door. She pulls Xanthe through and shuts the door carefully behind them.

"There's a hall...behind your closet." Xanthe looks around in amazement. "We have definitely got to get one of these in our new palace." He says in a faraway voice.

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