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Finally the day of the Royal Union to unite the kingdoms.

Note: this is not how the actual United Kingdom became the United Kingdom. This is purely fiction, definitely not a history lesson. I promise if you tell this to your history professors, you will fail or be laughed at. I'm just sayin'.

Anyways...Today is the day that Xanthe and Teanna tie the knot. Royals and dignitaries from all over Europe have come to witness the uniting of the kingdoms. Before we get into that, let's backtrack a bit. A month to be more exact.


"All rise!" The Arbiter of North Umbria announces as King Norwood, King Onille, Xanthe, and Teanna enter the royal court. Robin Hood and his Merry Men stand amongst the witnesses.

"Be seated." The Arbiter instructs once they've taken their seats. "We are here to put to trial one Wench of Wessex and one Byron Bear, on the charges of conspiring, kidnapping, verbal and physical abuse, and attempted murder. The court calls Her Majesty, Princess Teanna to the stand."

Teanna takes the stand. Byron Bear pales and looks hatefully at the Wench of Wessex. "You had me kidnap the Princess?!" He attempts to strangle her, but is restrained.

She goes over every detail from her kidnapping until the present.

"Thank you your Highness." He bows respectfully.

"My pleasure Garry!" She replies with and infectious smile, making the older man, Gareth Frankfert, blush; resulting in a few snickers and chuckles from the court.

He clears his throat. "We now call one Robin Hood to the stand." Robin takes the stand making almost every girl present swoon.

"Do you solemnly swear, to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?"

"I swear." Robin nods, and winks at Marian. Many of the women swoon.

Gareth clears his throat once more. "Will you describe your first encounter with Her Highness Princess Teanna?"

"It was fall, and I was about 12 at the time. I lived in a small cottage in the woods past the bridge with my guardian Friar Tuck. She was seated in the grass playing with her dolls, humming. Her soft curls blowing gently. She looked up at me in surprise. I didn't mean to startle her, but I couldn't stay away. After her initial shock wore off she runs up to me, grabs my hand and drags me to her doll house. She hands me a doll and says his name is Prince Xanny and the doll she was holding was Princess Tea. We played for hours, we ran, we skipped, we played hide and seek. It was...the best day of my life. Since then, she's been my best friend."

"Awww..." the women say in unison.

"ORDER! Can you describe for us the day she didn't show for your usual playtime?"

Robin nods. "I was late, because I dragged my feet doing my chores and Friar Tuck said I couldn't go unless I finished. When I arrived, her dolls were still there lying on the ground, but she was gone. I searched everywhere for her, but I couldn't find her. Friar Tuck said that maybe she went back home, and that she'd probably be back the next day, but she never came back..."

The court shouts hateful things toward Byron and the Wench.

"ORDER! Sir Robin, will you describe for us the time you met her in Southern Mercia?"

"My Merry Men and I were walking along, when we heard water splash. We followed the sound, which led us to the princess. Unfortunately, she didn't remember me. We talked, almost as if we were never separated. I could tell though, that she was different. She wasn't as fiery as usual, her eyes were dull, her skin was still beautiful, but there was no shine. We tried to get her to come with us, but she refused. So, we had no choice, but to obey her wishes and move on."

HER HAPPY ENDING (BWWM) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now