My Little Princess

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Last night was amazing. Xanthe was such a gentleman. We laughed, we talked, he told about all the antics and mischief we got into. It was perfect. I can't get his beautiful face out of my head. His perfect smile, his enchanting green eyes, those soft looking pink lips, and that jaw...dear Lord! He looks at me like I'm the most precious thing in his entire world. I can see how I once loved him...back when I remembered him. And I can also see how I am beginning to fall in love with him all over again.

I met his best mate Alden.  He hugged me and said he missed me. He almost had tears in his eyes. It was like I'd know him forever; we meshed immediately. Then Xanthe told him about my near death/memory loss and I saw his once painfully happy smile crumble within seconds. I hated it. Thankfully though, Alden came up with the great idea of telling me how we met the first time. He also told me of all the things we've done to poor Xanthe. It still causes a laugh when I imagine Xanthe in a floral pink dress and pigtails. I wish I remembered...

Lastly, was King Onille. Meeting him was a bit scary at first. He ran at me full speed, picked me up in a bear hug and spun me around, laughing with tears in his eyes. It broke my heart when Xanthe told him everything. For the second time last night I'd broken someone's heart unintentionally.  And just like Xanthe, he wished the worst possible punishment on this supposed wench. Xanthe and his father are comically alike. Unfortunately...or fortunately, the actual King of the palace was retired for the night, so I couldn't meet him.

So here I am, walking...more like floating back to the Robin's withering shack in the woods. I swear, I have no idea where I'm going, but for some reason I know I'm headed in the right direction. As I'm walking I come across what looks like the remnants of a dollhouse made entirely out of rocks. Beside it sits a lone red ribbon, slightly torn. I don't know what makes me pick it up, but I do. I examine it looking for...what? I don't know. I feel like I know this ribbon, strange. First, out of boredom I make friends with a doll named Kate, and now I'm getting acquainted with a ribbon. I think my memory loss came with a slight bit of insanity.

I can see the cabin coming, and what looks like a pissed off Robin pacing back and forth in front of it."This should be enjoyable."Note sarcasm. I make it into the break in the trees.


Ooooh he's mad...I don't really care.I've had it. I respond with a nonchalant shrug and continue toward the front entrance.

He grabs my arm and spins me around to face him. "I. Said. Where. Were. You?" His grey eyes turning stormy.

Who the bloody hell does he think he is!! "I pretty sure when I left yesterday I told you. But since your very small brain seems to be malfunctioning at the moment, I'll repeat it for you. OUT."  I stare him down with as much eye venom as I can muster.

We glare at one another for what seems like hours until Tuck puts a hand on both of our shoulders. "How about we go inside and talk this out?" He speaks as if he's trying to stop a dispute between wild dogs.

"I'd rather not. I just came to get my things." I yank Robin's hand off of my arm and push him with my shoulder as I walk inside.  I don't hear what Tuck says to Robin, but from the sounds of it, Robin was not at all pleased.

Moments later my fellow peas Will and Miller interrupt my inner rant.

"You aren't really leaving are you?" Miller sits next to my knapsack and looks at me with a face resembling that of a small dog.

"Please say you were joking Babe?"Will shares Miller's expression.

"I'm not." I continue to shove my things into my knapsack.

HER HAPPY ENDING (BWWM) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now