You Can Talk?!

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Hello Lovies!!!

Sorry that I haven't been posting.  I've had writer's block for the longest time.

Other than that God has been good.

My oldest little sister graduated High School, I'm so proud of her.  

And so many other my brothers and sisters got their masters degrees.

My brother Jesse passed the Bar Exam. He's so talented, hardworking, and creative. The world better watch out.

My Step-father retired, which is good. I don't like to see him stressed out.

One of my best friends wrote a book called Shanton's Storm: Chaos of Words (it's on Amazon), again so proud of her.  She has been through a lot and she is one of the strongest women I know. I am so amazed that and grateful that we met so many years ago working for Walt Disney World. She got me focused on God. I love her for that.

My other sister Jen Ben is an amazing painter. You can check her out at

My brothers Tony and Maques' business is taking off in a huge way. Maq takes the most amazing photographs, and their hearts are so big, they also host events for the homeless. You can check them out at or They are two of the most humble men of God and I love them both so much.

My other sister Yvonne Orji is doing amazing things in L.A. Just look her up on Google and YouTube and you'll see what I mean. Straight killin' it! Another amazing, humble, hilarious woman of God.

And my other best friend is getting married in October!!!


"Xanthe! Xanthe! XANTHE!!!"

I awaken with a jolt. My heart is pounding in my chest, my ears are ringing, my hair is glued to my head, and I'm covered in sweat. I take a moment to gather myself and regulate my breathing. I slowly open my eyes and look up at three very worried pairs of eyes. "What?"

Gleda hands me a small towel to dry myself. "You were having another nightmare. Please Xanny, tell us what it was about? You always say it isn't important and that we shouldn't worry, but when you're fighting in your sleep and yelling for Baby..." Gleda looks away in sorrow.

It is then that I notice the dark circles and bags under her eyes, the ghostly shade to her normally flawless freckled porcelain skin, the frizz of her dull auburn curls, and her puffy, blood shot eyes.

I toss the towel to the side and I pull her frail frame to me and wrap her in a brotherly hug. "I'm sorry Eddz." I kiss her hair as she rests her head on my chest. She begins to tremble slightly. I know she's crying again. I rub her back comfortingly.

At this point I'm not sure who misses My Beloved more, me or everyone else. I need her back here in my arms. I need to kiss her once more. I need to touch her skin. I need to hear her voice, see her laugh, and gaze upon her smiling face. I feel desolate inside. My heart breaks at least thrice a day. Yesterday, I spent hours in her room; smelling her clothes, lying on her bed, wrapped in her sheets, clutching her pillows. Praying that she would return, praying for a sign to know she's safe, and hoping that she's still alive.

I've had to move Midnight in with Casper. She wouldn't eat, sleep, and she tried on several occasions to escape.  I don't know how Cas did it, but her got her to calm down. He's been tending to her ever since. I envy them. At least they have each other.

HER HAPPY ENDING (BWWM) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now