Who The Heck is Zee?

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I'm baaaack!! Sorry for the wait.

 Again, writer's block.

Oh, and I'm getting a house!! It's beautiful!!

Like I said God is Good!!!


We've been in Robin's old cottage, shack?... for about a week now, maybe more. It's in the backwoods of nowhere, near the trail of "where the hell am I?" The cottage is overrun with ivy and vines, and trees are the majority here. And I know you're thinking, you've been travelling in the woods for almost two months, aren't trees always the majority? Well...yes in a sense. But, by the looks of this place; here is where all trees come to breed. And by the looks of it, often.

The strangest thing happened a few days ago. There is a row of rose bushes behind our humble abode that was bare when we arrived. And a few days ago they all had buds. It's not like the season changed or anything, I guess the place just missed my Robin.

Yes, my Robin. We are together...in a sense...I guess. I mean he won't let any male outside of the Merry Men come near me. He doesn't flirt or entertain any of the wenches in the drinking holes. He holds me a lot, and he kisses me. So, I guess you could consider that together. Though, on our way here we came across a fair maiden in one of the royal carriages. I think her name was Mary, Maria, Marian or something, and...well, I just wasn't happy with his reaction to her. Whatever, if he wants her, he can have her. I'll show him, that I don't need him. As soon as we're finished with this gig, I'm getting my share and getting out of here.

Well, maybe I'll stay in the area. I don't know. It feels so familiar...like I've been here before. Ridiculous, I know. Robin did say we met somewhere near here the first time we encountered one another. We'll see.

Anyways, I'm stuck here in this bloody cottage. Robin and the guys went to go meet someone named Zee or something. What responsible parent would name their child Zee?  The lazy arses, that poor man. So, here I am bored out of my mind playing with some raggedly doll I found in a chest, in a closet, in Robin's room. I've named her Kate. She likes daisies.  And there goes my sanity.


The Merry Mongrels are back from their outing. I have no idea what happened, but since they've arrived they've been acting strange; avoiding eye contact, answering questions with shrugs and grunts, avoiding me like a plague. I'm eating alone, for the first time since they found me. Robin isn't even talking to me.

I've had it. I'm going for a walk. I stand from my place near the window and head towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Robin says in a tight voice.

"Out." I say, before slamming the door behind me and disappearing into the dense trees. It's already dark out. The air is comfortably chilly as it blows through my hair. I don't know how long I've been walking or what direction I've headed in, but I come up to the castle. A lot of the dignitaries haven't arrived yet. I walk around to the ocean side of the castle. I climb up and sit on the wall overlooking the garden.  

Oddly, I feel like I know this place. I jump down into the garden, walk toward the pond, and take a seat under the bridge. It would be really dumb to get caught trespassing on the castle grounds. Especially since the King here is a bit of an ogre...or so I've heard. I just stare out over the pond as it gently reflects the moonlight.  "So beautiful." With no light present in the garden, I can see every star for miles.

"It is, isn't it?" Says a deep voice coming from somewhere behind me.

"Uhh...sorry. I was just leaving. Bye!" I stand and take off running toward the wall. I can hear whoever it is that is chasing me, trying to keep up.

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