Once Upon A Time...

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It's been what seems like months, since I last saw the sun. Months since I've tasted anything besides my own mouth. And years since I shared a life changing kiss with my Beloved, Xanthe. I can't honestly say how long it has actually been since this place has no windows and no doors to the outside world; just darkness contained in these four stone walls. The ground under my feet is wet from tears, the ceiling is too high for me to reach it, the walls are an arm's length apart.

I should have known this would happen. How could I have been so naïve to think that the Queen actually wanted to make amends?

"BeeBee? Her Royal Arse requests your presence in the dining hall. She wants to have breakfast with you." Gleda says rapidly sifting through my wardrobe.

"She wants to dine with me? I thought she hated me?" I say slightly baffled by the Queen's sudden change of heart.

"Maybe "Kingzy" gave her an ultimatum? I hope so. I hope she screws up so he can throw her into the deepest dungeon in the palace, so she can rot there."

"Morbid much Leddy?"

"Hopeful." She says with a bright smile.

I chuckle at my best friend, making my way to the washroom. I freshen up and change into the black dress that Gleda has chosen for me.

"Leddy, why black?"

"Are you telling me you're actually happy to be going to breakfast with that creature we are forced to call Queen?" She looks at me incredulously.

"Point well made."

I head down to dine with her majesty. We engage in light conversation during our meal. We even share a few laughs. I think, I might actually like her as a person. After dinner, we take a walk in the Royal Garden as she recalls anecdotes from her youth. We take a side road through the trees on the far side of the Garden.

"Where are we going?" I ask looking at her attentively.

"You'll see." She says with a bright smile. "You must promise me that this will be our secret. This is my secret place, and no one must know of it." She looks at me with a slight frown.

"My lips are sealed Your Majesty."

"Good. Come, it's not much farther."

We come to a clearing. I'm not really sure what happens next. I hear something behind us, I turn around, and then everything goes black. Next thing I know, I'm in this place. I claw at the walks looking for a way out, only to discover this place has no doors. I yell and scream for help until my voice is but a croaky whisper. I accept my defeat and slide helplessly down one of the grimy walls. If I could see, tears would most definitely blur my vision.

I am such a stupid, naïve girl. I should have known. Hopefully Leddy will notice my absence and come looking for me. How will she find me? I don't even know where I am.Lord God Almighty, creator of all things. Being of divine purpose, please send help.

I crumble once more, succumbing to the exhaustion of tears. I'm sorry Xanthe.


"...poor girl..."

"...foul creature..."




I try to open my eyes, but my body protests. I feel so weak. I'm hungry, and tired, which is strange since I just woke up. My limbs feel like they're being held down by boulders. "..." I try to speak but the only thing that comes out is a tired groan.

HER HAPPY ENDING (BWWM) CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora