Dreadful, Awful, No Good, Very Bad...

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Is it just me, or are the trees greener than they were before? And the birds...they're actually singing. And did I just see a deer frolicking? Who frolics anymore? When we got here this place looked like something out of a nightmare. Now it's like some bloody fairytale. What the heck is going on around here? I continue toward the castle, observing everything as I pass by. I can still feel Robin behind, following me.

"This is bloody ridiculous." I turn around quickly with my hands on my hips. "Robin! Get your hooded arse down here!! NOW!!"

After a moment of silence, Robin lands 10 or so feet away from me.

Why can't he just walk? Must he always travel in trees like some sort of primate?"Well...why are you following me?!"

He smirks cockily as he strolls lazily toward me. "You didn't say goodbye."

Are you-"Are you kidding me?!" I stomp, blazing a fiery trail toward him. "You-"

He grabs hold of my tiny waist, and yanks me toward him, interrupting me with a powerful kiss. I thought this was better the last time he kissed me? He obviously isn't a bad kisser, but...I feel nothing. Well, maybe not nothing, but...not like I did before. I wonder how it feels to kiss Xanthe. Are his lips soft? Is he a powerful kisser, or a gentle kisser? Hopefully, kissing him is better than kissing Robin.

We part after a moment. I look at him slightly breathless. I take a step back, and I knock some sense into him via fist therapy. He staggers back holding his jaw, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Can't say I wasn't expecting that." He flexes his jaw once more. "At least I know you can land a proper punch should the occasion arise."

"Are you done?!" I glare at him.

"Can you honestly tell me that you felt nothing?" He looks at me in disbelief.

"I felt your lips on mine, but that's about it."

"...wow. So, these last couple of weeks, mean nothing to you?" He takes a step forward.

I shrug. "It did at one point, but now..."

He's silent in thought for a while. "You were with someone last night, weren't you?" He squares his jaw, narrowing his eyes.

"I was."

"And to him, is where you're going now?" He voice slightly louder than before.


He lets out a puff of air, looking skyward. He closes his eyes for a few moments. He looks back at me with an unreadable mask. "Were you...intimate with him?"

"No. We talked about us...before my series of unfortunate events."

"You were with Zee." He looks off to the side, his jaw pulsing.


He turns around quickly and runs his hands through his hair, pulling the ends. "How did you...how did you even find him?"

"...we found each other. I wandered into the castle garden out of boredom, well, and a bit of curiosity, and he found me under the bridge stargazing. Why is this such a big deal?!"

He turns to me, cocking his head to the left. "It's not."

"Yes it is, or you wouldn't be interrogating me like some bloody arbiter!!" I put my hand against my forehead, willing the approaching headache to flee.

"Yesterday, I leave to meet with a Zee. I come back and you storm off in the middle of the night and no one can find you. And now you're telling me that you've spent the entire night with Zee, and then you just leave. I kiss you and it means nothing to you! I...I love you!! And ...you're leaving to be with someone I consider a brother! I have loved you since we met here as children. But, every time I give my heart to you...you give it back." He looks at me with defeat in his eyes. "Tell me, what is it that he has, that I don't? Is it because he's a Prince and I'm a thief? What am I missing? What do you want?"

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