Merry Maiden

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I warn you, it starts out a little slow, but there is a new character that I think you'll all like.

A few weeks have passed since I was found in that death hole. I've been keeping company with Robin Hood and his Merry Men. An interesting bunch these men are. They are thieves. Well...thieves that only steal from the rich, at least they are charitable and give most of their lot to the poor. They've taught me how to hunt, track, fight, archery, navigation, and I wouldn't be a Merry Maiden if I didn't learn the trade.

Unfortunately, I still don't remember who I am or where I came from, or how I got in that blasted hole. I feel as though the guys know something, but they refuse to utter a peep. I asked John, but he always says "It doesn't matter. You aren't going back there anyways". Where I came from can't be that bad...can it?

Anyways, I still have not heard Alan utter a word. I tried to make him laugh, he just stares at me with a stupid smirk; not even a hint of teeth. I "accidentally" hit him with a rock when practicing with my slingshot; he just turned and stared at me before getting bored and walking away. I asked him a question; he just shrugged and nodded to Robin. Ugh, he and that blasted beautiful face are so infuriating!

At least I have Miller and Will. We are thick as thieves...haha. They are two of my closest companions. We do almost everything together, well... obviously there are some things a girl must do alone.

Friar Tuck, or Uncle Tuck as I call him...and that's all I'm going to say. I'm not even sure he should be called a Friar. He steals, he drinks, and when necessary he fights...dirty. On the upside he's full of funny anecdotes, most of them centered on a girl that Robin supposedly fell madly in love with sometime ago. I have no idea why, but I always feel a certain way whenever he mentions her. Robin won't say her name. I don't know why, it isn't like I know her; or anyone else for that matter.

Sometimes I have these terrifying nightmares, I wake up crying, or screaming and I can't sleep after. Uncle Tuck says it's probably my brain trying to help me to remember my past. David talks to me until I fall asleep. I honestly think he should start charging. His voice is like chocolate, diamonds, thunder, and sunshine all mixed together.

John is like the father figure. He keeps all in line...well at least when he isn't completely knackered or occupied for the night.

Arthur is another quiet one, but he's also a trickster; always mucking about with everyone. He's good for a few laughs. And the women love him...well the women love them all, but him especially. It's those mesmerizing crystal blue eyes, they just pull you in and all the sudden you're drowning in them.

And Robin...well, he's another story.

We're currently at a watering hole in the northern region of Mercia called the Man Eater. We're headed to North Umbria; there's supposed to be some sort of memorial service in a few weeks, honoring the late Queen Iiasha. Which means lots of dignitaries, lots of dignitaries means lots of loot, lots of loot means more for the poor and more rum.

My Merry comrades are currently occupied with their choice of damsel(s). All, but Robin, he's sitting in the dark corner on a table, with his back up against the wall, just watching. I start to walk over to him when someone takes hold of my hand.

"Pardon me lass, but I'm sure I've never laid eyes on you before. You from these parts?" Says the devilishly handsome man clad in leather from head to toe. He smells like, rum and salt. He's definitely a pirate.

"I wouldn't image that you would since you spend most of your time at sea...pirate." I arch a brow, challenging him.

A wicked smirk appears on his handsome face. "And what would you know about us pirates, lass?" He eyes me from head to toe.

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