Year 7 -188

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Pansy Parkinson had gone to many social gatherings in her 17 years of life. None had ever looked quite like this.

Holding onto Theo's elbow, forced to come as a date, the two teens had entered the grand mansion of the now-dead Minister together, their parents trailing behind them. Eloise, Pansy's mother, had done no more than squeeze her shoulder before stalking off with the father Pansy had long since wished she'd divorce. Draped in finest silks, her mother looked beautiful next to the large man that was her father. He wore a dark grey tux, a Dark Mark painting his left forearm; the dark ink soaked through his soul just like it did through his skin. 

A gentle tap against the top of her gloved hand was what had brought her away from watching her parents walk off. The red mermaid gown matched the blood-red rose tucked into Theo's jacket pocket perfectly and as they stepped forward, Pansy wished she had been more willing when her mother had offered to teach Pansy the proper way of walking in heels. Her legs felt wobbly, pushed down by the grandness of the vast room, and she held onto Theo for safety just the same as he clung onto her.

The Silver Manor is what the wizarding world had always called the house every Minister of Magic ever had lived in and it sure lived up to its name. Light grey marble floor stretched through the entrance room. Under the feet of other guests in the ballroom right ahead, Pansy could just glimpse the titled design of the still marble floor. Two arch stairways disappeared in luminous light on either side of the ballroom dancefloor. Couples and individuals ascended those, champagne glasses between their fingers.

Masked deatheaters stood guard wherever Pansy turned to look. They looked out for trouble, scanned for Order spies she had no doubt had blended into the crowd as well. Paid private photographers snapped shots of all guests entering. A Daily Prophet crew entered and was led to the side by the guards to a room in which they would remain until the main speech.

"My dress might make me faint tonight," Pansy breathed finally, her chest tightening with every breath. It was chilly still but she could feel the air warming with every passing minute.

"Yeah, me too."

Pansy nodded understandingly before she figured what he had even said. She almost whipped her head to the side about to laugh and ask what the hell Theo meant until she remembered the etiquette. Pansy straightened her face and questioned with a gentle shake of her head. 

"You're not wearing a dress..."

Theo looked a little green in the face. He smiled attempting to hide it, and when he turned to look at her he gave a short wink.

"It's the sight of your dress that has made me lightheaded."

They walked into the ballroom just as she shook her head again. Pansy opened her mouth to answer with something equally flirty when her eyes locked onto Tracey, frowning as she stood amongst the rest of their group. 

"They're there!"

The drink in Tracey's hand looked much like actual champagne and with the way she was hugging herself she looked very much out of her element. The apricot coloured 1920s glitter dress she wore reached the ground and the silver of the locks of her curled waist-long hair made the girl look much like an angel. 

Tracey chewed on her lip with a frown, listening to Crabbe and Goyle conversing while Blaise and Rosier stood to the side, equally dissatisfied. Pansy's mouth nearly fell open when she noticed Blaise's arm awkwardly draped around Rosier's waist. Theo had to nudge her with a reminder to remain inconspicuous when she noticed orange treads sewn into Blaise's tux to match the colour of Rosier's simple sleeveless silk gown. Daphne, in her forever dark purple, with softly curled blonde hair and forever gorgeous glory, was the only person who looked excited. Upon noticing the pair, she raised her hand in a polite wave to urge them over.

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