Year 7 - 198

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Astrid was oblivious to anything that went on around her. She walked down the halls and stairs in a half-daze, stone, silver, green or grey, all mixing into one blur. 

On one hand she felt she should've been happy. Draco wasn't getting married. That was a good thing. But then, on the other hand, she knew the world would hate her for it. She hated herself for it. She hadn't wanted to get married. She didn't want to belong again. To be bonded by a contract, by law. First she had lost her dad. Then she had lost her mind. Now she had lost the last piece of self she had still controlled - her hand, her future.

Astrid Malfoy.

Astoria still Greengrass but with a broken heart and a certainly furious sister.

What had she done wrong again? Astrid had put all of herself toward change, toward bettering herself. She had taken care of herself. She had quit lashing out, rebelling. She had tried to learn compassion. She had let him go. She had grown peace with it, him, herself and everything. Why couldn't they see her as anything but a threat?

Astrid bumped into the chest of some gentleman, and quickly apologized before scurrying forward. She barely saw where she was going, eyes blinded by tears that refused to spill. And she didn't know how to help herself. How to solve this. Again, Astrid realised, she had nobody to turn to. Some couldn't know, others didn't care. No one was there. And like the past few years, she was to figure it out all by herself. All on her fucking own.

Her feet had taken her to the bar set by the dancefloor, and Astrid only realised she was there when the familiar taste of firewhisky already burned her throat.

"Miss, are you 17 yet?"

Astrid wiped her eyes on her sleeve and set the glass down over the bar. There stood a young man, no more than five years older than her. Sandy hair, shiny green eyes. In the perfectly pressed suit he wore, he looked almost unreal. All smiles as if the world wasn't completely falling apart.

"I live here, I can do whatever the bloody fuck I want."

The man raised his brows in intrigue, slight offence even. He finished wiping the glass he had been cleaning and placed it over the countertop behind him. He leaned over the bar toward her.

Don't you know who I am?

Astrid rolled her eyes, one corner of her lip pulled up in a frown. She turned her back to him and leaned against the surface herself. Her legs felt like jelly. Her eyelids were heavy.

"Another one."

"Rough night?"

"Piss off!"

She banged her hand against the bar and then showed him her open palm, awaiting the drink.

People in front of her were dancing. In twirls of gold and grey, and beige they twirled to a quick tune. They switched partners time from time and Astrid glimpsed the top of Tracey's head somewhere amongst the crowd too. The lights were bright and clear on the dancefloor itself but they were dimmed where she stood. 

Was she hidden from view or did no one notice?

"Another drink, Gustav," she banged her open fist again.

"My name isn't Gustav."

"Do I look like I give a shit?"

"Miss Malfoy, I will not be giving you a drink unless you show me an ID."

Astrid almost chocked on her own salvia. "Miss what?"

"Malfoy? You said you live here."

"Malfoys don't have a daughter, you moron."

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