(1) Only in a Lifetime

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Chapter 1

Charles’s POV

‘Princey-boy, wake up,’ I heard the sweet, soothing voice of my boyfriend drift into my ear. I groaned in my bed as I rolled over and smothered my face in my pillow. I felt the bed move slightly which meant Jesse was now sat on it. ‘Charles, get up or I’ll runaway somewhere. We need to go get our suits finished.’ I groaned again. Trust us to leave our suits till last minute. It’s the wedding in five days.

‘Can’t I just have five more minutes?’ I asked Jesse sleepily. I could feel that Jesse’s legs were now either side of my body.

‘I’d love to say yes but then I’d get into trouble by your mom, you know how she is,’ Jesse laughed. I rolled over onto my back to be greeted by Jesse face about two inches away from mine. Jesse was breathing softly as he gave me a quick peck. ‘Gross!’ Jesse shouted which made me pull a face. ‘Morning breath,’ Jesse smiled at me but I just pushed him gently causing him to topple to the side. I held onto his arm so he didn’t fall off the bed.

‘Fine then, I’ll get up,’ I grumbled as I swung my legs from under the covers. The cold air instantly hit me; well it is almost Christmas and it’s around the time when it starts to snow.

‘Aww, has Princey-boy got goose-bumps?’ Jesse asked as he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

‘Bugger off, Jesse, I need to go get dressed,’ I grunted as I began walking away from my ass of a boyfriend. ‘Love you!’ I shouted as I shut the bathroom door behind me.

                ‘And the Prince returns,’ Jesse said sarcastically as he stood up from my bed. I walked out of the bathroom with a white towel wrapped around my waist. ‘I’m surprised you haven’t shrived up how long you’ve been in that bath.’

‘Are you just going to pick on me all day today, Jess?’ I questioned jokily as I walked into my wardrobe.

‘Yes,’ Jesse responded simply. Jerk. ‘But you love me, that means I’m allowed.’

‘Whatever you say, babe,’ I laughed. I pulled the wardrobe door shut once I was inside of it locking Jesse out. I quickly put some briefs on and then began looking for some trousers as Jesse entered.

‘Wear this,’ Jesse insisted as he threw a deep red, winter jumper with Christmassy patterns around the top of it. I put a plain white shirt on and then put the jumper on over the top.

‘What trousers would you like me to wear?’ I asked Jesse as I looked at my hair in the mirror. It was already beginning to curl. Since Jesse and I have been together I’ve actually let my hair go curly and stay curly, even though it looks a little weird.

‘These ones,’ Jesse decided as he walked over to me with some dark blue, denim, skinny jeans. ‘Don’t you look pretty,’ Jesse teased as I pulled my trousers on. He walked over to me then hit my bum before pulling me close to him.

‘I think I look beautiful,’ I laughed as I wrapped my arms around Jesse neck. ‘Do you know that I love you?’

‘Nope,’ Jesse answered with a smile. I smirked at him as I lent in allowing my lips to brush over his.

‘Well I do,’ I muttered into Jesse’s lips as we deepened the kiss.

Jesse pulled away shortly. ‘Well you’ll be happy to know, I love you too,’ Jesse announced as he kissed me again lightly. I quickly picked up my brown, chukka canvas boots as I left the wardrobe with Jesse following me.

I clambered out of the limousine in a very, unattractive fashion. Jesse slid out after me looking a little more, formal. Geoffrey gave Jesse and I a little smile as stood beside the door of the shop we were going to. I took hold of Jesse hand firmly and intertwined our fingers as a few cameras flashed whilst we walked through the centre to the door. ‘Prince,’ Geoffrey said with a bow. ‘And Jesse,’ Geoffrey bowed again. A large security guard opened the door allowing the three of us to enter.

Only in a Lifetime (The Prince and I : Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now