(17) Only in a Lifetime

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Chapter 17

Charles’s POV

We’d been home in Driftwood for a week. Jesse and I were both sat in the game room playing on some weird game which Jesse wanted to play; I’m not completely sure what was going on. We were both on the same team trying to kill some zombies or something. ‘Charles you’re going to die,’ Jesse warned me as he pointed to something which was running towards my character.

‘Kill it then, I don’t know how to do it!’ I yelled quickly as I kicked my legs on the sofa. ‘Jesse I don’t know how to do it, it’s going to get me!’ I continued to yell. Jesse laughed hysterically beside me.

‘I can’t kill it, I’m too far away. Just press the “x” button and face the zombie,’ Jesse insisted as he pointed to a button on my controller.

‘You do it,’ I spat as I threw the controller at him. Then my half of the screen started to flash red. ‘What’s happening?’ I asked Jesse as I took my controller back then began pressing the “x” repeatedly.

‘Charles you’re dead,’ Jesse laughed loudly.

‘You didn’t help me!’ I shouted as I crossed my arms and legs.

‘Look you’re back at the start now, just follow that hall and you’ll get to me. That means if another zombie comes I will get it,’ Jesse panted in-between laughs. It wasn’t even funny.

‘No,’ I stated simply. ‘I’m going to do it by myself. Now stop laughing, it wasn’t even funny,’ I complained as I made my man walk in the opposite direction of Jesse’s. Then a roar came from the TV. ‘Jesse it’s back!’ I shouted as I made my man run. Jesse was clutching his stomach as he laughed loudly. ‘It’s not funny, save me!’ I screamed in a girly voice.

‘I told you... to follow... me,’ Jesse breathed whilst trying to stop laughing.

‘Well I didn’t. You should’ve followed me!’ I muttered as the zombie killed me again. ‘I don’t wanna play anymore, I can’t do it,’ I sulked as I paused the game.

‘I tried to help you,’ Jesse nagged whilst trying to take my controller to un-pause the game. ‘Look I’ll die as well and we’ll both go together.’

‘No, I’ll fetch Alfie to play with you. I want to go get a drink anyway; do you want anything?’ I questioned whilst handing Jesse the controller.

‘Yeah, can I have some soda or something?’ I nodded as I left the game room. I quickly poked my head back through the door.

‘Here in Driftwood it’s not called soda, it’s called fizzy drink; get it right,’ I mimicked Jesse.

                I was walking to the kitchen whilst looking for Alfred when Chandler came up to me. ‘Hey up brother,’ Chandler greeted trying to sound cool.

‘Have you seen Alfie?’ I asked with a smile.

‘No, why?’ Chandler slouched on one of his crutches and looked at me.

‘I want him to go play that zombie game with Jesse, I can’t do it,’ I noted as I rested my hands on my hips.

‘I think Alfie went into the gardens or something. I’ll go play with Jesse for a bit if you like?’ Chandler asked kindly. ‘But Jasmine and I have to go to some interview in a bit.’ I nodded.

‘Thank you, I felt a little bad ditching him.’

‘Speaking of you and Jesse, where do you stand with him? What happened when you went to America?’ Chandler asked.

Only in a Lifetime (The Prince and I : Sequel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon