(4) Only in a Lifetime

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Chapter 4

Jesse’s POV

So it’s the 6th of January and I am starting school today. I had an amazing Christmas. Charles and I spent half the day together. We went for a meal and did some sledging seen as it snowed quite a bit. Chandler and Jasmine still have another week away I think.

                I was awake before Kayda. My eyes we dragging and they felt like they would shut anytime soon. I don’t think I’ll ever get use to being awake at seven in the morning. ‘Kayda get up!’ I yelled as I pounded my fist on the wall. After I heard some movement from Kayda’s room I began changing into my uniform. I showered last night so I wouldn’t have to do it now. I pulled on my black trousers and put a pale blue shirt on before tucking it into my trousers. Stupid school...having stupid uniform. I picked up my navy and light blue tie before putting it on around my neck.

‘Jesse what did you do with my hair dryer?’ Kayda asked me as she stumbled into my room. I pointed to my dresser which had Kayda hair dryer on it. ‘Thanks,’ Kayda muttered as she walked out the room with her hair dryer in her hand. I picked up my black school shoes and my black blazer with a dark blue rim before walking out of my room.

Even though I’d picked Kayda up from this school a lot of times, it seemed a hella lot different now I was actually starting. Most people were stood in groups or in pairs; there was a couple of people just stood by themselves. ‘I have to go to the office, can you like, show me where that is?’ I asked Kayda as we got up the steps to the rest of the school yard.

‘Whatever; follow me,’ Kayda instructed as she walked through the large glass entrance which leads to the actually school. I watched Kayda walk of casually before following her.

                ‘Jesse Taylor,’ the principle of the school called as he walked from out of his office. I stood up from the chair which I was sat in. The principle saw me stand up then smiled at me. ‘Please come into my office,’ the principle commanded as he walked back into his office. I didn’t say anything, instead is just followed obediently. ‘So I’m Mr Barsby,’ the principle introduced.

‘Jesse Taylor,’ I said hesitantly.

‘I know who you are, I guess it would be kind of hard not to know who you are,’ Mr Barsby laughed to himself. I smiled at him weakly. ‘I’ve been told that you recently met Isabella Diamond so I decided she could be your tour guide for the school. Because we don’t have any of your previous records I have just put you in lessons with Isabella,’ Mr Barsby told me, I guess Isabella is that girl that I met when I was waiting for Kayda. ‘Is that okay with you?’

‘Yes, sir. That is perfectly fine,’ I answered politely. ‘Where do I need to get my timetable from?’ I asked.

‘Oh yes, that’s right, your timetable. I have that right here,’ Mr Barsby laughed to himself again as he began fiddling with his drawers before handing me a piece of paper. ‘Isabella will be waiting for you outside of the reception which is two doors down the hall,’ Mr Barsby explained. I nodded my head.

‘Okay, thank you sir,’ I muttered as I stood up and walked out of the office.

                ‘I can’t believe I actually have to show you around this school!’ Isabella shrieked excitedly as she jumped lightly. ‘Who ever though it, me being friends with the Prince’s boyfriend,’ Isabella continued to shriek.

‘I guess you’re just lucky,’ I smirked as we walked through the corridor getting a lot of looks from students.

‘You’re modest,’ Isabella mocked. I shoved her lightly with my elbow as we walked to the study room; apparently first period is a free period for the entire last year. I didn’t even think that was a thing.

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