Only in a Lifetime (The Prince and I : Sequel)

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Only in a Lifetime : The Prince and I sequel

Jesse's POV

Five months ago was when I came out of my coma, four months ago was when Prince Chandler and Lady Jasmine announced that they're getting married. So what's happened? Well I didn't regain anymore of my memory, not one part of it. I'm not even sure how a brain works anymore. I remembered Charles, but not Callie even though I met Callie years before I met Charles. Geoffrey and I have become quite close friends which is nice. Whoever thought me, Jesse Daniel Taylor, would ever be in a relationship with royalty? I've gone from being the jerk of the school, to one of the most known men in Driftwood.

My mom tried to get in contact. I've haven't spoke to her though, she even threatened to fly over to Driftwood. I've been living with my dad, his fiancé Alexia and Kayda. We live about a minute away from the palace which is nice. I spend most of my time in the palace though; it's a really busy place to be honest. Kayda has gotten a place in the local school and I'm supposed to be starting University in summer next year. I told my dad that I'm not going to University unless Charles does; it wouldn't be so bad except the University I've been accepted to is in America.

Julian, Geoffrey's brother, is making a slow recovery. A month ago he actually wiggled his toes, proved the nurses wrong. They said he'd never feel anything from his waist down ever again. Geoffrey almost threw a party for Jules when he moved his toes, it was pretty amazing though. Finnley, Geoffrey's other brother who was involved in the kidnapping, has to attend some meeting with a psychiatrist once a week because he is suffering with trauma. Charles is still suffering mild depression. He doesn't even need medication anymore which is brilliant, it's possibly for the fact he has such an amazing boyfriend, not that I'm boasting or anything...

Since I moved to Driftwood, I actually feel accepted; like I belong somewhere. Sure America has been my home my entire life, but when I first arrived in Driftwood it felt like a missing part of me was automatically filled. I'm not sure what it is, it could be because I found my dad, someone who genuinely cares about me.

I have to go to school after Christmas, just me, without Charles. I'm pretty scared though, the Prince's boyfriend going to a school with people from his island? There have already been articles in the Driftwood newspaper about me going to school. I'm looking forward to it but I'm nervous as hell. Charles has tried to comfort me; he isn't the one who has to go to school though. I guess I sort of need to keep my education up; I haven't done any school things in over six months. I'm going to look extremely stupid when I start there.

I don't really know what else there is to say. Chandler and Jasmine are getting married in a week's time and I'm pretty ecstatic, the first proper wedding I would have been to. Charles and I are planning a trip back to America sometime soon. Callie and her family are flying out to Driftwood for Chandler's wedding so they'll be out here for Christmas. All exciting stuff!


And I'm back, have you missed me? Probably not. There isn't much to say, fan, comment, vote maybe? -ALEX!  

P.S. The cover photo isn't mine, I found it on google. Other than that the story characters and ideas are mine so please don't take it (I don't even know why you'd wanna do that but anything possible right?). Thank you! Love you!

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