(13) Only in a Lifetime

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Chapter 13: 2 months later...

Charles’s POV

‘We’re back,’ I yelled as I walked through Callie’s front door with Geoffrey stood closely behind me.

‘Charles!’ Callie screamed as she jumped onto me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and swung her legs around my waist. I held her tightly whilst trying to steady myself.

‘I’m still here you know,’ Geoffrey pointed out from the background. Callie laughed gently as she realised me before bounding over to Geoffrey. Geoffrey allowed the backs to rest on the floor as he hugged Callie tightly.

‘I’ve missed you both so much,’ Callie admitted as she released Geoffrey then took one of the bags and pulled it into the house. ‘Mom, dad! Charles and Geoffrey are here,’ Callie shouted up the stairs. I instantly heard movement upstairs as Victoria and Daniel walked down the stairs.

‘Charles, Geoffrey,’ Victoria greeted. She wrapped her arms round the both of us and hugged us tightly. ‘I’ve already sorted your room out. It is okay if you share again, right?’ Vicky questioned as she stepped back.

‘Yeah, that’s fine thank you,’ Geoffrey answered for me. Victoria smiled at us both before rushing off to the kitchen.

‘Boys’, nice to see you again,’ Daniel announced. ‘I’m guessing you like it in America to say you’ve been here twice in two months.’ I nodded with a beaming smile.

‘How could I not like it here, I mean you three are here,’ I laughed charmingly. Daniel smirked as he picked up our two suitcases then headed up the stairs.

‘So have you heard anything from Jesse since he went back to Driftwood? I mean he didn’t even go to his mom’s funeral,’ Callie announced, well this is the first I’ve heard.

‘Jesse hasn’t come back to Driftwood. When did his mother die?’ I questioned as I crossed my legs on the picnic rug we were sat on at the beach.

‘What do you mean Jesse hasn’t gone back to Driftwood, he left a month ago. No one has seen him since then, not even Darrel,’ Callie spat as she raised her voice. ‘As soon as he mom died he told everyone he was going back to Driftwood and no one has heard from him since.’

‘Jesse isn’t in Driftwood,’ I stated.

‘How do you know that Charles? You haven’t spoken to Jesse since we came to America last time,’ Geoffrey interfered.

‘Yes but I still know Jesse isn’t in Driftwood,’ I insisted as I crossed my arms.

‘Well where is he then?’ Callie questioned as she stood up. I shrugged my shoulders.

‘Like Geoffrey said, I haven’t spoken to Jesse in two months,’ I muttered stupidly.

‘No, Charles this is serious. Jesse is missing, no one has seen him in two months,’ Callie stated nervously. ‘Where is he?’

‘With his friends? I don’t know, stop asking me questions!’ I snapped. ‘Do I look like a detective?’

‘Charles stop being so moody,’ Geoffrey mumbled as he pulled his white converse back onto his feet.

‘I’m not being moody, where are you going?’ I asked as I crossed my arms.

‘To Darrel’s house, I want to find out if he has seen Jesse,’ Geoffrey decided. ‘You can’t just leave this Charles.’

‘Jesse is old enough to look after himself. Plus you told me two months ago to move on, what do you think I’m doing?’

‘Charles stop being stubborn. Are you coming or not?’ Callie asked as she began putting her brown sandals onto her feet. I sighed loudly before proceeding to put on my white Vans.

Only in a Lifetime (The Prince and I : Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now