(2) Only in a Lifetime

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Chapter 2

Jesse’s POV

‘Jesse!’ my dad shouted up the stairs. ‘Alexia, Kayda and I have to go and pick Kayda’s dress up from town, I’ll be back later, don’t do anything stupid!’

‘Whatever you say!’ I yelled back as I shut my eyes again trying to sleep in my comfy bed. My phone began beeping beside my bed so I grabbed it quickly. A text from Charles. “Callie is heading to Driftwood now; she’ll be here in about eight hours. Are you coming over? Love the best person in the Universe!’

“Yeah, I’ll be over in a bit. I’m in bed now though so I’ll be round in like an hour or two. Love the sexiest person in the Universe!” I sent back. I threw my phone back onto my bedside table and I cuddled into my quilt. My phone buzzed again. I groaned but forced myself to check it.

“Can’t you come round here to sleep? I’m cold.” I groaned again but actually began to move. I kicked my quilt off me but instantly regretted it as the cold air attacked my body. I dragged my feet over to my dresser and took out my grey joggers then put them over my boxers followed by a black tee-shirt. I then took my green hoodie and my black coat and put them both on before picking up my black chucks and putting them onto my feet. Stupid Charles, making me have to move. I looked at my hair which was a state, I didn’t even care though. I quickly walked to the bathroom so I could brush my teeth.

‘Good morning Sir,’ one of the guards greeted me. I smiled at him as I walked into the palace. I could barely keep my eyes open with how tired I was.

‘I’m guessing you’re looking for Prince Charles, he is still in bed,’ Elton, Geoffrey’s brother told me. I nodded and gave him a thumb up as I continued to the stairs.

‘Jesse, you look a little tired,’ Geoffrey said stupidly.

‘Blame that Prince of yours,’ I answered as I continued on my usual route to Charles’s room.

                Charles was still snuggled in his quilt when I got to his room. I instantly began stripping from my clothes until I was in just my boxers. ‘Budge over then,’ I instructed Charles as I peeled the quilt open. Charles grunted as he turned to look at me but he then smiled as he moved over in his bed.

‘You actually came?’ Charles said, it sounded more like a question.

‘You said you were cold and I couldn’t just leave you,’ I responded as I slipped into the bed. I wrapped my arms around a Charles as he nuzzled his face into my neck.

‘Your hands are freezing,’ Charles complained as he held onto my hands tightly.

‘You haven’t been outside,’ I said quickly. I shut my eyes as I tightened my grip on Charles. ‘Now shush, I want to sleep.’ Charles chuckled softly into my neck but stayed quiet. I felt his breathing soften as he began falling to sleep, slowly after, I followed.

                ‘What’s the time?’ Charles asked me. I picked his phone up from behind the screen. I turned it onto to see the photo of him and I kissing as the background.

‘It’s half two,’ I answered.

‘Wow, we’ve slept for like five hours,’ Charles said. I put his phone back down as I hugged him again against my chest. ‘Callie is going to be here in three hours,’ Charles told me. I nodded even though he couldn’t see.

‘Well we need to get up soon then,’ I said as I kissed Charles’s soft, blond hair.

‘No we don’t, I’m sure she’ll find us,’ Charles whispered as he looked up to me. His blue eyes sparkled. ‘Why the hell is it so cold?’

Only in a Lifetime (The Prince and I : Sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz