(5) Only in a Lifetime

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Chapter 5

Jesse’s POV

Friday morning arrived quickly. I woke up and bounced out of bed looking forward to another day at school; wow, that’s something I’d never thought I would say. I went an entire day yesterday without saying a word to Charles, other than our regular morning and evening texts.

                After changing into my school uniform I walked downstairs to where Kayda was brushing her hair in the mirror in the hallway. ‘Jesse, would you like me to make you some tea or coffee?’ my dad’s fiancé, Alexia questioned as I walked past Kayda and into the kitchen.

‘Could you make me some coffee, please?’ I asked politely as I walked over to the cupboard and took out some crackers before putting some butter onto them. ‘Also can you tell dad that I’m going to a party tonight because I’ll probably be gone before he gets home?’ I finished as I added some ham to the crackers.

‘Sure, what time will you be home?’ Alexia asked me as she began stirring the already heated hot water in a mug.

‘I’m not sure, late at night or early in the morning,’ I laughed as I took a bite of cracker.

‘Just like your dad you are,’ Alexia joked as she put the coffee mug down in front of me.

‘Thank you,’ I thanked Alexia as I took a large drink off coffee. ‘Kayda, am I taking you to school this morning or are you meeting that girl?’ I asked Kayda as I watched her enter the kitchen. Her hair was now pulled into a ponytail.

‘That girl has a name,’ Kayda moaned as she took my coffee off me then drank some herself before handing me it back.

‘Well I don’t know that girl’s name and to be honest I don’t really care,’ I argued as I snatched to coffee cup away from her.

‘I’m walking with “that girl”,’ Kayda mimicked as sat down at the table and began eating her half eaten toast. I frowned in disgust as she ate the cold toast. I text Charles a quick “good morning” before taking my things into the lounge so I could watch a little morning football.

Isabella sat beside me in my first lesson. ‘Where do you want me to meet you before the party?’ she asked as she took her Maths book and opened it to the next clean page.

‘I don’t mind, I’ll pick you up from your house if you like,’ I decided as I copied Isabella and opened my book to the second page.

‘But what if you get drunk at the party?’ Isabella questioned.

‘I’ve had bad experiences with alcohol so I doubt I’ll be drinking.’ Isabella rolled her eyes at me but nodded and then began writing the title and date for some stupid thing we were doing; algebra.

                ‘I can’t believe it,’ Juliet muttered as we walked into the cafeteria for break. Isabella and I turned to look at her. ‘You’ve only been at this school for three days and you’ve already been invited to one of Harriet’s parties,’ Juliet finished.

‘I guess it’s because he’s famous,’ Isabella butted in. I can’t get use to that, people calling me, Jesse Taylor, famous. ‘Harriet would do anything to get her popularity status up.’

‘Will you two stop? I want to go to a party knowing I’m not just there to be used thank you very much,’ I complained as we met up with Denzil and Austin who were waiting beside the cafeteria doors.

‘I’m just warning you Jesse. It’s not that I’m trying to ruin your fun but please don’t do anything stupid. Harriet has this thing which makes people listen to anything she says. Just remember its all lies,’ Juliet warned me in a friendly way.

Only in a Lifetime (The Prince and I : Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now