(3) Only in a Lifetime

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Chapter 3

Charles's POV

Finally, it's the day of the wedding. After what seems like forever of preparation we are finally here. Alfie and I were stood on some small table thing whilst the stylist made our suits look good. Eliza was sat on a chair spinning around whilst Jasmine's little sister was eating some gummy sweets. 'Prince Charles, can you please take a seat over there so you can have you hair done?' Monique questioned, even though it wasn't really a yes, no questions.

'Princess Eliza, we need to take the curlers out of your hair now,' another stylist said. Eliza stopped spinning then slid from the chair and wobbled over to the chair which the stylist was waiting out.

'Prince Charles, Sir Jesse Taylor has come to see you. Would you like him to come through?' Geoffrey asked as he walked into the styling room.

'Yes, thanks Geoffrey,' I said not wanting to move too much so my hair gets messed up. Jesse walked into the room. He looked extremely smart in his suit but his hair was still in its normal, gelled up style.

'Hey beautiful,' Jesse spoke as he walked over to me and gave me a quick peck. 'You look amazing,' Jesse smiled.

I smiled at him as I looked at myself in the mirror. 'Thanks,' I said quietly as I stared at my reflection. 'What happens if I screw up?' I panicked.

'You won't screw up, you'll do perfect,' Jesse tried to comfort me. I looked at him through the mirror. He was smiling at me, his gorgeous smile. 'Anyway, how do I look?'

'Like royalty,' I said with a smirk. I saw Jesse grin a little as he turned around to Alfred.

'What's that face about?' Jesse asked as he looked at Alfie who was pulling a weird face.

'You two, getting all loved up,' Alfie admitted with a grin. 'It's not your wedding today.'

'It will be, one day. And trust me, when it is our wedding you don't want to see how loved up we'll be getting,' Jesse teased getting a few giggles from the stylist.

'Gross,' Alfie grunted. Watching Alfie and Jesse argue was enough to make anyone laugh.

'I'll do this when you get a girlfriend. I'll be all like, gross Alfie's getting all loved up with his girlfriend,' Jesse mumbled randomly.

'What are you on about?' Alfie questioned. I'm sure that is what everyone else was also thinking.

'I don't actually know,' Jesse uttered. 'Anyway, where is Callie?'

'She is getting ready with Jasmine,' I replied. 'All the girls were supposed to be getting ready in there but Eliza and Karris had to be awkward,' I said as I looked at Karris, Jasmine's little sister who was still eating gummy sweets.

'Jesse, take those sweets of Karris please, she will dribble on herself,' Monique instructed. Jesse looked at me through the mirror then bent down to Karris's level.

'Ermm,' Jesse said stupidly. 'Can I have those sweets please?' Jesse asked the three year old politely. Just as I thought, Karris shook her head. 'This is hard, I can't be mean to a little girl,' Jesse complained as he stood up.

'Well you are going to have to learn because when she drools on herself I'll be being mean to you,' Monique threatened. Jesse bent down to Karris's level again.

'I need those sweets, if I don't have them then there is a chance I won't make it to the wedding,' I heard Jesse say politely. 'I'll give you them back after the wedding,' Jesse promised. I heard some paper ruffling which meant Karris had either given Jesse the sweets or hid them. 'She actually listened to me!' Jesse cheered as he set the sweets on the desk beside me.

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