(18) Only in a Lifetime

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Chapter 18

Jesse’s POV

I stood outside of Charles’ bedroom door. My whole body was shaking with anger. Harriet let me believe I got her pregnant, she let Charles break up with me, she let me lose Charles. I turned around to face the guard who was waiting by Charles’ bedroom door. ‘Tell Charles I have to go pick up something from...the store,’ I made up quickly as I walked away from Charles room. My shoes were rubbing on the carpet as I tried to act as, normal as possible.

‘Jesse, where is Charles, isn’t he supposed to be going with you?’ Geoffrey asked as he rushed to my side whilst straightening his tuxedo. I looked at him blankly before turning away sternly. My fists were clenched at my side. ‘What’s wrong? Have you to fallen out again?’ Geoffrey questioned, he put his hand on my shoulder. I quickly pulled my arm away from him then pushed out of the front door.

‘Tell Charles I’ll see him later,’ I spat, I needed Geoffrey to know Charles hadn’t done anything wrong. Geoffrey stopped following me finally. I hunched my shoulders as I walked across the palace grounds. I didn’t even stop to get my car which one of the men had parked round the back for me.

‘Harriet open the door!’ I shouted as I pounded my fist against the wooden, rotting door. ‘It’s Jesse, I have some money,’ I shouted hoping she would answer the door.

‘One minute!’ Harriet called, she sounded all cheerful and happy. I heard some footsteps heading towards the door. ‘Hi, so you’ve gotten some more money for our child? How much?’ Harriet asked. I smirked at her.

‘Pathetic you are, thinking you’d get away with it,’ I snarled as I hunched my shoulders again.

‘What do you mean Jesse? Haven’t you got the money, why are you here?’ Harriet questioned, her smile fell from her face.

‘You lied to me, I want my money back. All of it,’ I growled. ‘I know that baby isn’t ours, it’s yours,’ I accused as I pointed my finger at her. As I pointed my finger an older boy walked behind Harriet. I put my finger down but kept my shoulders hunched.

‘Raymond, he’s threatening me,’ Harriet lied as she stepped to the side allowing “Raymond?” to step out beside her.

‘Who’s this then, the baby’s real dad?’ I asked as I smirked at the boy.

‘That’s my brother,’ Harriet smiled smugly.

‘Why are you at my house, threatening my sister? Who even are you?’ Raymond questioned fiercely. I didn’t even have time to answer when Raymond’s fist connected with my cheek. I stumbled back but I didn’t fall, not until Raymond’s fist hit my face again, this time it was a little higher up. I landed onto the pebbles, and they weren’t even smooth pebbles, they were more like little pieces of gravel. I could feel the warm liquid leak from my cheek and down across my skin. I was about to push myself up when Raymond’s foot kicked my gut instantly making me curl up. I pushed my foot out and it hit something, what that was I wasn’t sure. I used the short time to stand up then run from the garden. Harriet was smirking at me and Raymond was holding his ankle.

Charles’s POV

I sat on the sofa with Chandler and Geoffrey. ‘What did Jesse say to you?’ I asked for the fourth time in the past five minutes.

‘That he’d see you later,’ Geoffrey repeated tiredly. Jesse hasn’t returned yet he said he would see me later about five hours ago. Now it’s like half ten at night.

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