(12) Only in a Lifetime

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Chapter 12

Charles’s POV

There hadn’t been any sign of Jesse since we kissed four days ago and today is the day I’m going back to Driftwood. I can’t believe Jesse is actually leaving me, letting me go. Not one minute has passed without me thinking about our kiss. I could still feel a spark, like what we had there was real, like Jesse still loves me. Every time I think about the kiss I instantly get goose-bumps, I’m like a teenage girl getting her first kiss; it felt like our first kiss...special.

                ‘Prince, we’re home,’ Geoffrey announced as he stood in front of me. He was dressed back into his suit and referring to me as Prince again. I gave him a smile as I stood up before following him off the private jet.

‘Charlie!’ Chandler shouted as he rushed over to me with Alfred and Eliza following him. I hugged him tightly trying not to knock his crutches. After I hugged both Alfie and Eliza.

‘Mother and father are waiting in the palace to welcome you home,’ Alfie told me as he released me from our hug. I nodded quickly as Geoffrey and I walked to the limo which would drive us the short way to the palace.               

                ‘So...’ Chandler dragged as he walked into the throne room where I was lounging in the throne.

‘What do you want?’ I questioned as I sat up straight. Chandler sat in the throne which was next to me before putting his good leg over the side and leaning into the back corner.

‘You only come into here when you are thinking,’ Chandler said truthfully. ‘What’s going on?’

‘Nothing, I’m just lying here. Plus I have real bad jetlag so don’t make me angry or I swear I’ll have a fit at you,’ I warned Chandler who smirked at me.

‘How are things with you and Jesse?’

‘The same I guess, he came to America and asked me to forgive him. I said no. He then found out his mother has cancer and now he is staying in America,’ I rushed as I crossed my arms. ‘I guess things can progress or get worse so either way what does Jesse matter?’

‘Charles I get that he hurt you but you can’t act like you don’t care,’ Chandler began to lecture.

‘Look dude, I’m tired so stop fussing or I’ll bite your head off,’ I stood up from the throne and began walking along the red carpet to the door. ‘Love you!’ I called back childishly.

Jesse’s POV

‘Jesse you do realise you can leave the house, you don’t need to be around me all the time,’ mom stated with a smile.

‘I don’t want to, I’m fine sat here,’ I mumbled as I drank some cola from the cup I was cradling.

‘Go out for a bit, I want to rest anyway,’ my mom insisted. ‘Go speak to some of your friends’, you haven’t been in Florida for a while so I think that it will be good if they hear from you, find out how things are going.’ 

‘Are you sure? I don’t want to go out and then have something happen to you,’ I began as I sipped the cola.

‘Jesse nothing will happen to me, I don’t need you babysitting me all the time,’ mom urged. ‘Now go, have fun. You’re an eighteen year old boy and you deserve a life.’ I stood up and kissed moms cheek as she snuggled into the blanket she was wrapped in.

‘See you later,’ I called as I put the cup down before heading out of the house.

I walked up the path of one of my friend’s house; it was a friend I met at some stupid camp I forced myself to go to. ‘Jesse Taylor, aren’t you looking beautiful!’ Christopher shouted as he walked out of the house with his arms wide open. I rolled my eyes as he rushed over to me before wrapping his arms around my neck.

Only in a Lifetime (The Prince and I : Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now