unknown number

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"What do you think about this Jay?" My brother plays an electric type guitar riff dramatically.

I clap my hands slowly with a bit back laugh at his actions, "I mean uh-"

"Oh stop it. This is better than that Trevor Wilson you love so much" He rolls his eyes before placing his guitar down on the stand.

"You were tapping your foot to 'Long Weekend' the other day. You're just jealous he's better than you" I scrunch my nose with a laugh.

"Yes because I- an eighteen year old man- is jealous of a man who has been playing and preforming since he was my age, maybe younger" He laughs, shaking his head.

"Oh shut up Hayden" I roll my eyes with a smile.

"When his daughter starts preforming will you be as obsessed with her music as well?" Hayden rolls his eyes, getting up off the couch.

"She's like nine or ten, we don't even know if she'll sing... but yeah I probably would be"

"Course you would" He rolls his eyes before getting up with a groan and a cough.

"Hey y'a good?" I say softly, seeing the discomfort in his face.

Hayden draws out a breath and nods, "A-ok. Let's go, Mum needs our help"

"Holy shit" I spit out once I make eye contact with the one and only.

The girl giggles when she sees my reaction, "Nice to meet you" She extends her hand, "Caroline Wilson"

I sit star struck as she shakes my hand, "Julie Molina" I stutter, ignoring Lukes snicker from beside me.

"Luke Patterson. Looking gorgeous Ms. Wilson" He extends his hand to shake after her hand leaves my palm.

Alex clears his throat which breaks Luke and Carries eye contact, the blush on her cheeks prominent, "Uh and I've met you two" She gestures over towards Reggie and Flynn.

Carrie circles around the table and sits next to Alex, "So is this the team I'm working with?" She directs her question towards the blond.

"They're gonna take good care of your solo career ok? Don't worry about them, they aren't him" Alex says softly.

I think I know what he's been talking about. I remember the articles that went out a couple years ago, it's hard to forget really.

Daughter of rock sensation sexually harassed by producer

Young up-start Caroline (Carrie) Wilson, seventeen year old daughter to the pop rock legend himself, Trevor Wilson, reported allegations of sexual assault courtesy of current producer Caleb Covington

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Young up-start Caroline (Carrie) Wilson, seventeen year old daughter to the pop rock legend himself, Trevor Wilson, reported allegations of sexual assault courtesy of current producer Caleb Covington.

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