what words cannot say

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a week later

Since that day, Luke and I limit communication. We talk on what's required for work but otherwise, nothing.

While I've written more music for Carrie than Luke has, it still hurts that he stole that one melody. So far we have two songs out of five done (which I've technically done both, Luke got production rights to that one)

He's trying to make up for what he did. Getting me coffee in the morning, doing some of my paperwork, working with Nick and letting me work with Reggie.

Let's just say he's been a huge suck up and who am I to deny it?

I walk towards the studios doors early in the morning. The air is full of mist and dew as a couple cars pass by the sidewalks.

I hum softly to myself the music we have written for Carrie. It's an amazing feeling to be the writer for such an amazing singer. If I could only have half her talent.

In my hands is a binder and a computer case slung over my shoulder. Coffee cup in my hands as I make my way down the sidewalk. For once I'm not fumbling with a thousand different things in my hands. For once I'm actually in order.

Once I get to the building, I go to unlock the door. My keys go into the lock yet there's no click, no hesitation or anything. The doors unlocked.

I grip a little can of pepper spray in my fingers that is attached to my key chain. It's five in the morning, who's at work? The only reason I'm here is because I want to go home early today and I wasn't sleeping well.

With a tight chest, I open the doors and walk through into the opening. The air crisp but something plays. A soft melody from the back of the company.

Infront of me is the reception desk which seems untouched. A small lamp glows beside the computers but that always stays open even when people aren't around.

I turn left into the opening where all the desks and cubicles lie. My desk completely untouched but the desk behind mine, almost ransacked. Luke's desk.

His papers upturned and a mess. Crumpled papers lie on the ground and on the desk. Pens and pencils spilled out from a pencil cup in the corner of the desk. A picture frame of his family which is normally up, face down and blocked.

I circle back to my desk and place everything down. My binder sliding into the small little rack I keep. My coffee landing beside the computer in a little cup holder. My purse landing on the seat of my desk before I turn around to observe a little more.

That's when the music gets louder.

The musician playing just letting loose and lyrics being added to the song. A voice like I'd never heard before. Never have I heard someone or something so beautiful.

I clench my jaw as I walk down towards the light I can see from the creaked open door on the staff room. The music and light like one wave out that door.

"If you could only know. I never let you go. And the words I most regret-"

I creak the door open and see Luke sitting with his side to me. His lyrics hitting deep to the point my eyes well up.

"Unsaid- Butterfly! oh my god" He stands up quickly and puts his acoustic guitar down. The music stopping at a halt unrealistically, making a screech noise of sorts, "What are you- what are you doing here?"

I press my fingers under my eyes and shake my head, "I couldn't sleep so I came in. Why're you here?" I say quietly. My voice still quiet as I'm still quite tired.

He gets up and brushes his hands against his pants, "Couldn't sleep" He replies with a shrug, "Never left the office"

"You slept here?" I say, acting surprised.

"Never slept. I'm sure you know the feeling" He gestures to me awkwardly.

The two of us stare awkwardly till I get the courage to finally say something, "What was that song?"

"Oh" He gasps almost like he was as oblivious as I am, "It's nothing. Just- y'a know... music"

"Something for Carrie?" I challenge.

Luke's eyes go wide as he slides backwards and pushes his sheet music under a binder, "No. Just... myself"

I breathe out and smile, "You have a beautiful voice" I purse my lips. The corners of my lips turn up slightly.

"I'm alright" He shrugs, "My voice is raspy and tired right now"

"If this is tired and raspy, hearing you actually sing will be an amazing day" I clasp my hands together.

Luke breathes out and forces a laugh, "You wanna hear me sing?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"

Luke shrugs and sits down on the staff couch, "I dunno. It's a lot that I don't want to get into right now"

I walk over and sit down on the couch beside him, "I respect that"

He looks over at me with a smile, "Does this mean you still hate me?"

I laugh and shake my head, reaching my hand out to take his. Our fingers entwining together. "I don't hate you Luke"

"So we're good?" He asks. I nod.

"Of course. Forgiven" I scrunch my nose and smile.

He smiles back at me then looks down at our hands. A small blush crosses his cheeks before he clears his throat, "Why don't we go to that twenty four hour place down the street? Maybe get some writing done?"

"I dunno Luke. It just so-"

"I'll buy you coffee"

"I'm in"

Luke and I laugh and talk as we exchange ideas for this song we've been working on slowly.

"It's about moving on, right? About being a better person after they're gone?" I gesture my hand forward.

He nods, "I mean, yeah. We have a catch line yet? Potential title?"

I shake my nod sideways, "No. Just the pre-chorus and a little bit of the verses"

I slide the lyrics over to Luke as I take a sip of my coffee and he reads it over, humming the lyrics softly, "Can't be illegal-" He bums in tune. "Illegal- the law. Something like that"

My jaw drops sarcastically, "You take ONE look at it and you get that? Bravo sir"

"Oh pick-up your jaw off the floor" Luke winks with that ego of his shining through.

My eyes widen as I grab the paper, "THANK YOU"

"You're welcome? My lord butterfly you're- one second" Luke's phone starts buzzing.

He walks away but I can still hear him well enough as I write a couple lyrics coming to mind.

"Mhmm... Oak? What's up?... yeah? It's at noon right?.... What? No" Luke laughs as he checks the Apple Watch resting on his wrist, "Oh fuck- yeah ok. Be there soon. Bye"

Luke walks back over wirh a nervous look on his face. His palms land on the table top as he leans forward slightly over the surface, "Luke... y'a good?"

"How would you feel about going to a high school football game?"

I am aliveeee.

Seriously tho, I've rewritten this twice.

ANYWAYS I have two new books out since my last update so- yeah

Till next month or whenever I post next. There's like two weeks left till winter break and I might have more time to write then.

-Kaitlyn <3

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