hotel bars

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two weeks later

"Are you gonna stop grinding against me or are we going to have an issue here?" He croaks into my ear with his voice laced in sleep.

-the day before-

I laugh harshly, holding my gut as I just laugh. "You want me to do what now?" I laugh some more through my words.

"Road trip" Reggie laughs softly with some jazz hands and a small laugh.

"It's a road trip an hour away..." Luke raises his eyebrow.

"AND it'll be a great bonding opportunity... which you're already doing" Ms. Taylor gestures between Luke and I.

My middle finger is just cocked in his direction as I nod along and listen to Ms. Taylor speak. I'm following her, just flipping Luke off at the same time.

"Do we need to get HR involved?" Reggie leans back and Luke laughs.

"It's a mutually agreed upon hatred" Luke flips me off back before his palm faces mine and my palm meets his. I grab hand sanitizer seconds later and smother my hand, the one that made contact with Lukes, in the cleanser.

Ms. Taylor just shakes her head, "You two have issues" She mumbles under her breath.

"No shit Sherlock" Luke laughs, his eyes suddenly widen, "Sorry ma'am"

Reggie clears his throat with the intention of diverting our attention, "So we will head off to the center in a few minutes. Are you guys ready to head out? We'll be out over night"

"How would we know? You just told us today... what if I had plans?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Do you have plans?" Luke laughs with judgement laced words.

I slump in my seat and huff, "I have a spare change of clothes in my locker" I mumble, rolling my eyes.

"Didn't think so" Luke mumbles.

"That's the spirit! Meet in the car in twenty minutes" Ms. Taylor claps her hands together with a huge smile.

I lean against the company car with a duffel bag and my purse rested on the ground as I wait for everyone else.

"Hey... where's Luke?" I ask as Reggie and Ms. Taylor walk over in my direction.

"Decided it wasn't worth it. He has other things and decided to just get some work done. He's been behind since starting work on the Wilson's case" Reggie shrugs as he throws the bags into the trunk.

I laugh and cross my arms, "Pass up this opportunity? Jackass" I chuckle, sliding into the back seat with my earbuds in.

"Ok we gotta get going, we're already late" Reggie pushes my shoulder lightly from the drivers seat.

"Ok fine. Ms. Taylor-"

"We're not in the office, call me Flynn" She chuckles, turning in her seat to face me.

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