music thief

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I jump out of the car and run towards Carrie's small apartment. Having her address from a time we worked after hours and together.

I call Carrie's cell yet it goes to voicemail. I call Alex and same with his. Fuck.

My feet carry me up to her apartment on the sixth floor and soon, I'm opening the unlocked door and walking in with a purpose.

I see papers scattered across the place. Pencils and pens spilled out of a cup upon her coffee table and a computer with an audio recording software loaded.

"CARRIE?" I shout, not knowing where she could be.

The blond girl walks out of a side door. Sweatpants hang slightly low on her hips while a cropped zip up slides slightly off her shoulder. Her hair up in a messy bun and her makeup an absolute wreck. "Oh honey" I whisper as I run and pull her into me.

"I can't do this Julie" She cries as I hold her close.

"Do what?"

"Any of this- the music. I just- I can't find my sound" She pulls away and wipes her tears, biting down on her tongue as she fans her face. "I shouldn't cry. People have it way worse than me"

"Because some people have it worse doesn't mean you aren't feeling valid feelings" I guide her over to the white leather couch and take a seat. Her little body curling up as she lays beside me.

Carrie looks up and wipes her tears, "But-" I stare at her for a second which cuts off her train of thought, "Why is this hard?"

I force a laugh and shake my head, "It won't get much easier. You just learn how to handle things better" I sigh at the end and reach out my hand. Our fingers entwine and I smile.

"Thanks" She mumbles while looking into my eyes, "Can we talk about anything else?"

I force a laugh and nod, "Anything in particular?"

"You know so much about me, tell me some things about yourself"

I chuckle and let out a deep breath, "Geeze where to start? I'm one of four kids. I have two older- I had two older siblings and have a younger brother"

"Had?" Carrie tilts her head in confusion.

"Hayden and Noah. Hayden passed of cancer when I was... fifteen-ish. Noah was eighteen so she left right before Hayden passed. Now she dosent even reach out or anything" I scoff.

"Noah... wait is- your middle names Rivera right?"

I lower my head and groan, "Yeah, Noah Rivera is my sister"

"Wow- I didn't know" Carrie says in awe, looking around her apartment, "Why's her last name different?"

"I changed mine" I shrug. "Hayden is my half brother. My dad had a wife before my mom, got pregnant and left the baby and dad days later. Hayden Molina. Then within two years, he met my mom and had Noah. They gave her my mothers last name because my mom wanted it to and my dad would do anything for her. So Noah, Carlos and I were all Riveras while Hayden was a Molina. Then, when Hayden died, I wanted to keep his memory so my parents allowed me to change my name to Julie Rivera Molina. I wanted to keep the Rivera name though"

Carrie gapes in awe, almost touched, "That's- wow"

"Messy? Complicated? Weird? Yeah" I laugh and shake my head, "That's my life for you"

"Well thanks for sharing. Means a lot Julie" Carrie hugs her arms around my shoulder, "You're strong"

I force a laugh and shake my head, "Nah, just learnt to deal with this shit"

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