my mariposa

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I yawn as I lean back in my desk chair. Desktop opened with the final song on Carrie's track that needs to be filled down and edited.

Another yawn escapes my lips as I start hearing a loud noise coming from the direction of Flynn Taylor's office.

Luke had gone in there an hour ago, at this point over an hour ago. Heated arguments are not our bosses things, but in all honesty, we all know she'd slap a bitch senseless if she had to. 

That's all against the point. The shouts and raised voices almost worry me. I hate loud noises, always have. Music is the acception but yelling, hate it.

A loud slam against the door frame, rattles a majority of the first floor building. "That's it!" I hear Luke shouting.

"Patterson, I'm not going to ask you twice" Ms. Taylor's voice groans as I watch her follow him out into the main office. "We can't let you go. We haven't told you guys who got the full time position!"

I stand up to veer over the cubics stalls, watching Luke strut into the staff room. "You're not letting me go. I quit" He shouts as I hear his locker opening and shutting, "I'm making that choice for you. She deserves it ten times more than I do"

"Luke! Come on" Flynn follows him forward, a small debate of wether or not I should walk forward to them. I decide against it to avoid issues. "I'm not saying she deserves it more or less than you, we just haven't announced it yet"

Luke walks out of the staff room, his bag and guitar in hand. "I don't want this job! I'm not passionate about this like she is" Luke walks to his desk, next to mine, while shoving a bunch of things into a small box. Not a second, not a glance does he focus on me.

Even after I take a step closer to Luke, he just shoved more stuff into the box, "Patterson please, let us talk about this. You're a valuable player in our team" Flynn leans against the reception desk as she watches him pack his stuff. "Let's talk about this in my office, please"

The box sitting in Luke's hands drops down onto his seat. His body tense and tired of hearing the same old pleas and begs, "I'm not hearing it! Just tell us then, tell us who got the fucking job!"

Flynn sighs, looking down at the floor then back up to the two of us. A defeated look on her brow and an aura of anxiety coming from her. "Luke-"

"Well come on. You know who's getting it, you've known for a while. Who's getting a promotion and who's staying an intern. Spit it out" He huffs, throwing his hand forward to gesture our boss.

"Julie" Another voice contributes from across the main floor. Every eye gazes over to Reggie who's coming out of a recording booth. "Julie got the job"

Luke looks back at Flynn and scoffs, "So what? You don't want me to leave but you won't give me the placement? Even more of a reason to leave" He looks over at me and his expression fades. The anger and annoyance from this heat fades away to nothingness.

Flynn looks from Luke then turns her gaze towards me. "Is Ms. Molina doing something?" Her eyes burning into where I'm standing bewildered. Not a word formatting into existence from my tongue.

"Yeah" Luke looks at me with the eyes he gives when he tells me how much I mean to him. The eyes he gives me when we cook dinner or when we lay in bed silent. Those eyes the love struck boy adores to give to me in any moment where isn't needed.

I look up at him as he takes one step, then two, and then he's taking me into his arms. His hands circle my waist as he holds onto me, pulling me to him when our lips press firmly into each other's.

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