is it a date...?

428 28 120


I blink my eyes to adjust to the new lighting of the morning. Sun rays peer straight into my eyes and I can't think of a better way to wake up... she said sarcastically.

My hand rubs against the football jersey laid over my body- wait. I pull myself to sit up and look around the wasteland of a spare bedroom I'm slept in- right I'm at Luke- Oh my god I slept at Luke's.

I walk over to the corner and stare into the long, full body mirror. The green and blue football jersey with the number twenty two on the back with the last name 'Patterson' written in white. Oakley gave it to me along with a pair of (conveniently fitting) biker shorts. The jersey goes down to my thigh so far it looks like I'm not wearing said shorts, geeze.

I pull the shorts up, lightly tame my hair and walk downstairs. Thank god Luke lives with a woman who had makeup remover for me to syphon last night. Though I never saw her, Oakley got me some of it from the washroom. He was such a sweetheart but when I went to his room to thank him, he wasn't there.

I sneak down the silent stairs, Luke gone from off the couch. Nobody is downstairs, wherever they may be. I wonder if Lukes brother told them I'm here. I internally debate wether or not to go get myself something to drink, then realizing that it's just a glass of water. Not like it's a big deal.

I lean against the counter, glass of water in my hand as I sip at it slowly. "Hello?"

I turn around and make eye contact with my coworker. His eyes shoot open as he realizes who I am, "I thought you were Auggies girlfriend- what are you... what the hell?"

"Oakley gave me something to wear" I roll my eyes, "He didn't want me to go home at that hour"

Luke crosses his arms with his eyebrow raised. Debate seems to run through his head before he caves and doesn't say another word about it, "You hungry?"

My expression shows obvious surprise due to the tiny smile that turns the corners of his lips up slightly, "Come on, you probably haven't eaten" He forces a laugh, walking past me to the pantry.

A genuine smile crosses my lips with a small laugh, "Yeah I guess I'm hungry"

He swings the door open and looks it up and down, "Ok come on, grab your shoes"

I chuckle as he turns to me with a serious look, "What... huh?"

"We don't have food, come on"

"I'm not dressed" I chuckle, looking down at the teenage boys clothing I'm dressed in.

Luke takes his hoodie off, a cut off Tee on underneath, "Just wear this, you look fine" I glare at him before throwing the hoodie on and following him out to the car.

We drive down the strip, Luke yawning once and a while. I think he just woke up...

"Where are we going?" I ask, pulling the hoodie down to keep warm. It's kinda cold out.

"There's this place I know" He looks over at me with the softest and sweetest smile, "You'll love it"

I mirror his smile and bite down on my tongue, "Really?"

"No you'll hate it" He says sarcastically, "I wouldn't lie to you butterfly"

I take a deep breath and nod before coming to a realization, "How hung over are you?"

Luke laughs, resting his forehead against the wheel at a red light, "Oh very"

We pull up to this little cafe type place in the middle of nowhere and my heart stops, "Are you murdering me?" I force a laugh.

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