Chapter three

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8 months till the wedding

Dani glanced around her friends house it was familiar felt like her safe space they only knew each other for a short time but the two had so many late nights where Riley was asleep in Alex's bed or at her grandmothers and the two would be watching movies and eating junk food if she was with her grandmothers they'd kick back with a couple of six packs.

But it looked less lived in more emptier than last time the fridge was empty as were most of the cabinets all her clothes were sprawled on the bed looking like they had just gotten out of the wash and were half folded Dani only sighed.

"Alex" she started and the brunette didn't need to look up to know that Dani was looking at her in disappointment she sighed running her fingers through her hair "yeah...I know" brown eyes glanced up but the other woman had turned away already heading to deal with her clothes.

"Alex can you at least go to the store and get some food? As long as we live here we aren't ordering out for every meal" The vigilante perked up deflating a bit at the ordering out bit she nodded regardless moving to stand from the floor as she was sitting by Riley's head the girl sleeping soundly under the blanket that had been sitting folded at the end of the couch.

Alex glanced down at the list the other woman had made and squinted "the hell she wants me to get vegan ice cream!?" The brunette sighed a lot of things on the list were vegan and Alex had
No clue where any of it was.


An hour later Alex returned with everything on the list and some extras.

"Alex it's been an hour" Dani raised a brow "you sent me to the store I live off of beer ice cream pizza and coffee me who hardly eats or goes out c'mon Dan" the woman rolled her eyes.

"Right you aren't a human I forgot you don't live" Was the sarcastic response making the vigilante throw the pack of bread at the woman.

"Oh hey, do you mind if Riley uses your DEO blanket? She's been attached to it since she woke I don't actually know if you have any more around since it's just you and if you want it just say the word."

Alex shook her head though "actually I have another in the closet she can have it I don't know what it is about that one but Kara also always gets attached to it when she's sad or sick."

Danielle nodded moving to unpack the bags and handing them to Alex watching where the woman puts them so she knows where to look if she needs anything later on.

"I'll cook dinner you go keep her entertained I swear she's picky about whether the tv is up or down whether the remote is on the couch or table gah!" Alex chuckled nodding.

"Hey, Riles Wanna watch a movie?" Dani glanced over her shoulder and saw her daughter and Alex interact as though they've known each other for years and it made the brunette happy.


It had been two weeks since Danielle started staying with Alex and the two got along better than ever the older woman never knew why she kept denying this Riley was happier and made friends with some of the brunettes neighbors Danielle was closer to work and Alex wasn't as lonely as she use to be.

Tonight was game night at Alex's and the others were confused at the new face but didn't mind a new friend.

Alex had been a couple of sips into her first beer when her phone rung and she glanced at it seeing it was Cat before she could grab it Kara caught sight of it and grabbed it answering it for her.

"Cat?....yeah it's she's here why do you have her number are you two friends?...." Alex snatched her phone away glaring at her sister standing and walking into her kitchen.

"Hey Cat....are you okay? you want me to come and pick you up?....okay be there it ten no I'm not busy it's fine...mhm..." Kara frowned Cat could've called her she would've gone to get her.

Alex grabbed her hoodie and keys slipping her shoes on glancing at Dani who waved her off already knowing what the brunette was going to say "we'll be fine go"
Everyone looked between the two but said nothing watching Alex nod and head out saying a brief goodbye to them.

Alex got there fairly quick and spotted the small blonde slumped over the bar unmoving water set in front of her in case she woke getting closer the brunette heard the blonde's snores and smiled softly glancing at the bartender.

"How much?" He starts mumbling to himself counting the drinks she had "almost two hundred" she sighed looking at the blonde shaking her head she pulled out her wallet and placed two fifty's and a hundred on the counter him nodding taking it and walking away.

"oh Cat what are you doing to yourself..." she mumbled before scooping the blonde into her arms the woman cuddling into her chest arm around her shoulder Alex grabbed the woman's coat draping it over her small frame that shivered and purse before walking out.

Cat slept soundly in her passenger seat Alex looked up at the moon the streets were quiet night calm as she got closer to the woman's building the traffic seemed to disappear.

Surprisingly it wasn't hard to get into the building all she had to say was her name and they didn't ask questions which was oddly prideful on her side.

The brunette felt the blonde mumble something grip tightening on her hoodie as blue eyes squinted open and spotted the other woman "Scully.." she warily mumbled catching the Danvers attention she was let down in her bedroom.

Alex had waited outside for the blonde to change and when Cat opened the door blue eyes were fighting to stay open the alcohol still coursing through her veins she was a little out of it but noticed when the brunette started walking away something inside told her it was to sleep on the couch but she couldn't help it.

She grabbed the vigilante's sleeve "stay?" Alex turned looking down at her before nodding following Cat back into her room door shutting behind them the brunette removed her hoodie revealing a black tee she kicked her shoes and socks off.

Alex slid into the California king Cat practically throwing herself on top of her burying her head in the vigilante's chest clinging like a koala startled Alex tensed for a moment before relaxing turning on her side to wrap her arms around the blonde and tugging her close nose buried in blonde hair Cat's head now tucked under her chin.

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