Chapter Twenty

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If you ask Alex about her sister and the youngest luthors relationship she'd say they were soulmates when did that change she didn't know nor did she want to know.

"Should we..?" The brunette looks to J'onn he folds his arms with a blank expression and shakes his head "no it's best if we leave" she looks to Cat blue eyes are focused on the couple her hand in Alex's head on her arm.

Eliza looks between her kids in shock Alex looks just as lost as her Lena didn't look as happy as Kara did in this moment of what should be their happiest day ever the one that carved their future a milestone but she looked as if it would break her to smile.

"I love you I really do Kara.." Lena sighs the blonde perks up "you've found yourself and you have seemed to grow as a person" the blonde smiles puppy like and Lena manages a small one "but I don't love you enough to forgive the fact you cheated" she whispers the last word Kara's face drops.

"W-what?" Lena's brows crease "I- Lena it wasn't like that I just..I was drunk she looked exactly like you!" Kara protest "but you knew she wasn't!" The blonde glares getting one in return "you know I had doubts it was a rare occurrence because you'd get tense and secretive."

Lena sighs sadly "I constantly reminded myself you wouldn't I told you about those thoughts and you promised! You promised me Kara that this would never happen!" The other woman steps forward only for Lena to step back "b-but I-"

"You CHEATED on me, Kara!" Lena screeches and it catches everyone's attention they freeze mouths hanging the Luthor turns with plans to storm off.

"Lena no I-" the woman holds up a hand which makes the blonde stop "no..just no this" she motions between them "is over done goodbye Kara" the woman walks away Andrea rushing after her leaving Kara standing with a heartbroken look.

The others look at each other in shock guest start filing out awkwardly Kara flies off and Eliza gathers her stuff instantly and heads for her car.

"Help me with the food then?" J'onn asks he looks worried Alex does as well she nods nudging Cat who looks up and they head over to start cleaning up Kara probably flew to the fortress and locked herself inside somewhere no one could get her or she's in her apartment either one.

Lena if Andrea caught up to her would be heading home to pack her things Alex wouldn't be surprised if the Luthor disappeared for a while she wouldn't be surprised if Kara did as well the whole mess was hectic.


The sun was setting all that was left were the chairs and arc J'onn and Alex make sure to gather all the chairs and put them in stacks so they can be moved in the morning.

Cat waits by the garden exit watching the two work putting tables up on a trailer it feels almost nostalgic the view the garden provided was especially beautiful with the water below.

Alex grabs two abandoned bottles of wine "welp..better put these to use" Cat looks over and the blonde chuckles as the brunette pops the cork and grabs a wine glass filling it and hands it to Cat.

"Hey Cat?" They walk towards the exit of the building the blonde hums slowly sipping her wine "if I ask you to marry me next year will you say yes?" Cat grins "Skully.." she says eyes twinkling as she looks to Alex "I love you" the brunette grins "I love you too."

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