▪27 : Come with me ▪

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This chapter is dedicated to EVERYONE who read and left a vote on the last chapter as well as those who have been adding it to their reading lists. 

Special mention to sugar_1508 Thank you for voting on all the chapters and leaving comments as well. They really made my day! <3

And also to resilientass_09 and readxlcve <3

This chapter is lengthy as always but......after almost one-fourth of the chapter, there's a mini-surprise. : ) Do not forget to leave in-line comments! 

But honestly speaking, idk what I just did here! >﹏<


Wishing I was blessed with a photogenic memory, I turned over to the next page, skimming over the colourful notes I had made when I had nothing better to do!

But alas! Not all good wishes come true.

Glancing at my wrist watch, I sighed for probably the 4628297456th time today. It's almost 1:00 p.m. but still there is no sign of the Invisible Man, aka, our very own Mr. Busy.

Suppressing my irked feelings, I preached myself about patience and then again tried to focus on my notes but man, its been hours. And I definitely need a break.

Closing my notebook shut, I kept it beside me on the sofa and then leaned back. Staring at the fancy light fixture that was ornate and hanging suspended in the middle of the ceiling, aka, the beautiful chandelier, I huffed out in boredom.

I sat like that, humming out on spot, self-made and extremely out of tone lyrics- My watch is tickkingg, Keeps on repeeatingg, I'm waiting forr youu, hmm hm hm hmm..,

Before suddenly stopping and then rolling my eyes at my own ridiculousness. The things boredom can make you do!

I swear the last few days have been sooo tiring, even though all I did was nothing.

Firstly, he took me to that extremely unappreciated and unwanted café trip and I'm sure you all know how emotionally and physically tiring that day was! But the next two days? They were no less. The only difference being that he tormented my poor soul without even being present.

Yup! He's been MIA for the past two days and today, I've had enough!

Two days of waking up early and coming here, only to sit alone and do nothing for hours? I might not be a billionaire like him but I'm pretty sure my time is not even a little insignificant than his!

And this is exactly what's been happening since the past two days. I didn't meet him even once and its not like I'm dying to meet him or to hear his voice. I have just been dragged into a situation where I have to meet and talk with him.

He thinks he can ignore me by purposely being busy in meetings or just whatever 'important work' he has? Well then he's wrong because I let him have his way for two days but now its my turn. And if I want to meet him, even he can't stop me from doing that, let alone anyone else.

'I'm much more stubborn than you could ever imagine, Mr. Knight! You just wait.'

I've already brought along a notebook so that I don't waste unnecessary time and I have no problem in staying here in this beautiful room even for the entire day. After all, I'm jobless now!

Yes, you heard that right. 

I'm jobless because I no longer work at the hospital and working for the Knights doesn't really seem like a job right now as all I'm doing is sit all day and waste my time!

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