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Everything was in black and white, not a drop of color insight until he appeared and that red ribbon caught Felix's eyes.

He walked slowly towards Felix as he lay vulnerable on the cold floor. Unable to move or scream Hyunjin made his way towards Felix each step getting louder and closer. Felix could feel a tingling sensation ring throughout his body, it wasn't fear, it was excitement.

Felix could feel Hyunjin sneak his hand behind his neck slowly lifting him to Hyunjins lips. His heart fluttering and closing his eyes he submitted before the vampire allowing the stinging bite to pierce his neck.

Felix bolted awake.

He has no recollection of how long he was asleep, he doesn't even remember going to sleep. The last memory he had was just as Hyunjin bit his hand and then it was dark.

Looking down at his hand he saw the cut from the dagger and two perfectly placed puncture holes from where he was bit. The area around the puncture holes were raised and glistened a ring of white like it was already beginning to scar.

His thoughts were disrupted as he caught the smell of something. He hadn't had time to process how hungry he was. Feeling the hunger pain his stomach he hugged his arms around his abdomen and began searching around to find where the sweet smell was coming from.

After quickly scanning the room he saw a wooden board near the door piled high with cut apples as well as a bucket of water with a cup near by. Feeling hunger take over he raced over to the board dragging it closer to him. Felix began to consume everything on the board feeling the hunger subside with each bite.

Why was Hyunjin feeding him and giving him water? Vampires were supposed to be ruthless and kill any human in sight, at least that's what he was taught.

Felix sat there in a state of confusion trying to piece everything together. Why was he doing this? Why have his dreams changed to dreams of Hyunjin? What was happening?

Hours and hours passed with not a single footstep to be heard. Felix sat there in the silence with his thoughts. Felix was beginning to notice that he was getting impatient. He was sitting cross-legged on the ground twiddling with his thumbs and occasionally looking at his hand trying to piece together the darkness that fell before him after the bite.

What felt like a day passing Felix was getting sleepy but was finding it hard to fall asleep despite his tired burning eyes. He couldn't stop thinking about Hyunjin and how he was different. Was Felix beginning to think that Hyunjin cared for him in such a short period of time? Was he psychotic for believing slightly that Hyunjin cared?

Shaking his head of the thought he closed his eyes and a wave of darkness washed over him.


Just after his teeth sunk into Felix lights flashed through his eyes. Losing control Hyunjin's eyes rolled to the back of his head exposing the whites of his eyes. The taste of Felix's blood took him to a new dimension as lights flashed through his head and a memory was exposed.

"Go get the ball!" His mother shouted with cheer to her voice.

Young Hyunjin chased the ball as it wandered its way to the edge of street. The ball bounced off the foot of a small boy who was covered in dirt with a sad look to his face. Hyunjin grabbed the ball slowly looking at the dirt-covered boy.

"I'm Hyunjin!" He said with cheer and excitement to his voice.

The boy just stared back not saying a single word to Hyunjin.

"Do you have any toys?" Hyunjin asked.

The small boy shook his head and lowered his gaze to the ground.

Hyunjin could sense a sadness coming from the little boy. Looking at his ball and back at the boy he shoved out his arms, "This is for you."

The little boy looked up staring at Hyunjin and a small smile crept across his innocent face, "T-thank you Hyunjin."

"Your welcome!" Hyunjin piped back.

Turning on his heel he made his way back to his mother. Skipping with each step he felt happy a sense of joy giving the boy the ball. Smiling all the way back once he approached his mother she asked, "Where's your ball?"

"I have plenty others! Don't worry!"

Hyunjin snapped back to reality and released Felix hearing his body thud to the floor as he dropped him. He's never had a flashback before while feeding. He was uncomfortable and emotional for the first time in a long time.

Shaking his head he backed away from Felix wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth and left the room. As he walked his way to the main floor of his run down estate he was processing the memory. It made him feel something. He hasn't felt a human emotion in close to 100 years. He couldn't tell if he was uncomfortable or if he craved more of that human feeling.

In a moment of softness Hyunjin made his way outside to bask in the moonlight. As he stepped outside the moonlight soaked into his pale skin and he felt, alive. Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes and sat there savoring the feeling of happiness and joy.

Moments passed and he opened his eyes. As his eyes flickered open before him was an apple tree, he had almost forgot that humans need to eat real food. Wandering to the apple tree he picked a handful of apples to bring to Felix.

Walking back into his estate he picked up a close wooden board and began to slice the apples. As he was cutting the apples he remembered how his mother would cut them for him and how he stood at her skirt tugging and begging for the sweet apple.

Shaking his head of the memory he carried the cut up apples to the room Felix was in. Quietly opening the door he saw Felix hadn't moved from where Hyunjin dropped him.

The moonlight made a perfect spotlight onto Felix as he lay asleep. Quietly setting the board of apples down near the door Hyunjin stared at the boy asleep on the cold stone. He couldn't deny the beauty of Felix the way his blond hair made the freckles on his cheek dance in the moonlight and how peaceful he looked asleep. Before his thoughts could travel any further he shook his head, huffing and exiting the room.

He wasn't going to let this human crack him so easily. Closing the door behind him he made his way down the dark hallway his footsteps echoing behind him.

A/N:  Thank you all for the support on this story! It literally makes me so happy to see so many people reading and enjoying! I just wanted to let you know that I will be slow to post for the next couple days and I have a lot going on but know that more is on the way!! Thank you all for the love and support!!

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