Tears of Chaos

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Staring at Felix with shock and disbelief kneeled Chan. Feeling his heart plummet to the depths of his stomach Felix turned his head away from Chan throwing up anything that was in his stomach.

"My god Felix, what happened?" Chan spoke through a shaky voice as he snuck his arms under Felix lifting him from the cold forest floor.

Feeling his body go back to its numb state Felix turned his head towards Chan to see him crying looking down at him. The human warmth radiating from Chan's chest caused Felix to shiver. Unconsciously he brought himself closer to Chan to warm up gripping his hand to his chest, balling his tunic beneath his grip.

Looking up at Chan, Felix could see relief washing over Chan's face as Felix looked into his eyes. Feeling the grip around him get tighter, Chan held him close and began to make his way around the forest knowing which direction to take.

The words rang clearly through his head, "Felix! You're alive!"

Racking his brain for an answer Felix couldn't think straight. Too much was and has happened to him. His heart had just been broken into pieces that couldn't be repaired and now Chan here saving him from rotting away on the forest floor. Feeling his head pound at the idea of processing everything, Felix returned to numbly existing as Chan carried him through the forest.

A long while passed before scenery began to turn familiar. The hidden pathway he once took between Chan's and his place was being followed in the dawning sunlight. Felix knew it wouldn't be long before he either would be at his place or Chan's.

Feeling his eyes grow heavy under the weight of everything that had happened in the past 24 hours Felix could feel his eyes slowly shutting. Hearing a door squeak open just as he began to feel his body slip to sleep, Felix shot his eyes back open bringing him back to a state of consciousness.

"Its okay Felix, you're safe." Chan murmured in attempt to soothe Felix.

As he felt his body settle on a bed Felix pushed himself to sit up not wanting to lay and fall asleep, afraid of what his dreams had in store for him.

"Felix, please lay down." Chan began to speak softly trying to stop Felix from sitting up.

"No, Chan, please I—I..." Felix begged feeling tears begin to well in his eyes.

"Okay, just please sit still I'll be right back." Chan spoke slowly backing away from Felix leaving him to sit up in the bed.

Shortly Chan returned to the room with a bucket of water, a rag, and some small medical supplies. Felix couldn't help but wonder why Chan was doing this, he had cheated on Felix, and from the sounds of the shock in his voice had been searching for him since that night. Watching as Chan put the supplies in Felix's lap and pulled a stool to the edge of the bed and began to wet a cloth.

"Felix, where have you been?" Chan asked with a quiver to his voice, wiping away the dirt from Felix's hands.

"I- I don't want to talk about it." Felix replied hesitantly.

"Felix, you've been missing, for months, please." Chan pleaded.

"I wouldn't have been missing if it wasn't for you." Felix spat at Chan not wanting to put up with this constant treatment life was giving him.

Feeling the room fall silent after Felix spoke, Chan dropped his head and focused on continuing to clean up Felix. Moments passed before a sigh came from Chan causing Felix to look at him.

"You know Felix, I never cheated that night." Chan stopped looking at Felix.

"I don—" Felix began.

~Red Moon~ *Hyunlix* Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt