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A/N: Thank you all for being patient and still reading! I have been struggling with mental health recently and have had a hard time finding the motivation to write, but I am getting better and am slowly writing again! Mental health is extremely important to me and it was important that I took care of myself for a brief bit. But I hope this chapter was worth the wait and I hope to be updating more often! Thank you for your continued support!!!


"Hyunjin?"Felix jolted awake from his sleep at the sound of the door.

Sitting up in the bed Felix scanned the room for Hyunjin. His eyes were darting to every corner of the room in hopes that Hyunjin would be standing there. His heart was racing but soon dropped.

Upon scanning the room Hyunjin was nowhere to be found, not even a bowl of broth was sitting at the desk. Sighing heavily Felix flopped back down on the bed letting himself get comfortable. Lying in the bed he tossed and turned unable to let his body or mind rest.

Groaning in frustration Felix pushed himself off the bed and sauntered around to the desk. As he got closer he noticed that the quill wasn't placed where he put it the night before, it was lying diagonally across the page as if someone had written something and left. Feeling his heart pick up Felix rushed over to the desk.

Hastily Felix moved the quill to see the paper and what was written on it. Quickly picking up the paper Felix noticed that Hyunjin wrote back. Feeling his heart jump to his throat he read the message.

My angel, you will be graced with my presence when I see fit.

Gripping the paper tightly in his hands Felix felt anger rise in his chest as he slammed the paper down on the desk.

Just as he slammed the paper down he could feel like something was watching over his shoulder. Slowly turning his head towards the door he felt sparks tingle his body as his heart drop and butterflies danced in his stomach. Standing in the doorway was Hyunjin with a bowl of broth.

The dark raven hair that adorned his head was parted in the middle and fell perfectly to his shoulders. His eyes were a darker than normal but even more entrancing in their normal state. His lips curled up into that devilish smile that made Felix feel alive and excited.

"See, didn't have to wait that long? Slamming stuff on desks isn't very appropriate is it?" Hyunjin spoke breaking the silence between the two.

"How long have you been in here?" Felix spoke darting his eyes towards the door to see it was closed.

"Long enough."

Embarrassment rose to Felix's cheeks as he stared at Hyunjin. Hearing Hyunjin chuckle in appeasement of Felix's embarrassment he walked closer to him with the steaming bowl of soup.

"Sit down." Hyunjin demanded pointing at the chair next to Felix.

"No." Spat back while crossing his arms across his chest.

"No? My angel you beg for me and when I'm hear all you do is argue with me?"

Felix stood their silent staring at Hyunjin not wanting to worsen the situation.

Felix watched as Hyunjin walked closer placing the bowl delicately on top of the desk and turned his attention towards him. Feeling his heart pound harshly in his chest Felix prepared for what was to come. Watching as Hyunjin lowered his face to Felix's ear he could feel Hyunjin's breath dance on his neck.

"Are we going to listen?" Hyunjin warned into Felix's ear.

Nodding aggressively Felix sat down in the chair that was behind him and waited for what his next command would be. Hyunjin sat down on the bed staring at Felix with a hunger in his eyes.

~Red Moon~ *Hyunlix* Where stories live. Discover now