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Darkness, every thing around Felix was black except for the speck of white staring straight at him. Walking closer to the speck it grew larger and larger.

"Come home..."

His mother's voice became louder and louder with each step towards the speck.

Something stopped him though he couldn't continue forward. It was like a force was pulling him back away from that bright light.

He wanted to fight against it, but something about the darkness was intriguing and inviting. Looking at the blackness behind him and the bright light in front of him Felix had to make a decision. Fight against the force pulling him to darkness or fight the darkness and walk to the light.

"I love you mom..." Felix said softly stepping back from the light and letting the darkness consume him.

There was still too many unanswered question Felix needed answers too and the darkness held those answers.

As he let the arms of darkness take him and watched as the white light diminished and his mom's echoes become quieter and quieter.

As he slipped into the darkness he could hear sounds around him.

The sounds of a fire crackling in the distance and the sound of what seemed to be charcoal being scratched on some paper.

His eyes were still to heavy to open he could sense his surroundings. He was cold despite the sound of a fire in the distance, he knew he wasn't alone either the presence of someone else was there.

Feeling more tired he let everything disappear in the darkness and let his mind rest letting nothing enter but a state of rest.


Felix's eyes were heavy and he struggled to open them. Putting all his energy into opening his eyes he felt them slowly open. His vision was blurry and he couldn't make out where he was.

His eyelids fell shut again but Felix fought to open them again feeling more energy to do so the second time. His vision was still blurry but he could make out more this time.

He wasn't in the cold damp room anymore.

But where was he?

Blinking his eyes slowly to clear his vision of the blur things slowly became clearer. He was back in the room where he got himself into trouble. The familiar colors of red and dark wood greeted his vision.

It must've worked; Felix proved to Hyunjin he could be trusted.

Felix could feel how heavy his body felt as he lay on the familiar comfortable bed. This is the most drained Felix has been since his time here, but he was still somehow alive.

Turning his head to the direction that the desk was he saw Hyunjin sitting there hunched over the desk doing something. The sound of what could be charcoal on paper rang through his ears.

Taking all his strength Felix began to push himself up to sit up some more. Placing his arms by his sides he pushed himself up causing his arms to shake under the weight of the movement.

The blankets under him began to rustle causing Hyunjin to stop what he was doing and turned his attention towards Felix. Feeling the gaze of Hyunjin upon him Felix slowly turned his head towards Hyunjin.

Hyunjin sat there staring at Felix with a confusing expression across his face. A look of battling multiple emotions in his head.

"Welcome back." Hyunjin spoke.

"H...h-how..." Felix began asking with a deep raspy voice before cough causing him to throw his head forward as the cough intensified.

"A couple days." Hyunjin answered standing up from the desk making his way towards the bed.

How long was a couple days? Hyunjin really did feed until his thirst was quenched to drain him this much.

Coughing harder with the shock of hearing that he's been out for a couple days. He watched as Hyunjin grabbed a small glass and filled it with water from a pitcher and brought it over to him.

"Drink." Hyunjin said handing the cup over to Felix.

"T-thank you, sir." Felix said taking the cup from Hyunjin's hand letting their fingers graze each other.

Taking a sip from the cup to help clear his dry throat and to stop anymore oncoming coughs. Felix had so many questions he wanted to ask but he had to keep his promise. Staying silent he continued to drink the glass of water until it was empty.

Turning his attention to Hyunjin he saw how close he was to Felix. Averting his gaze away from Hyunjin not wanting to over step Felix felt a deep rumble coming from his stomach. Squinting at the pain of hunger Felix watched as Hyunjin walked away from him and towards the door and out into the hallway closing the door behind him, but not locking it.

Felix sat there feeling the wave of drowsiness begin to take over again. His eyes were getting heavy and he felt his body slowly sinking into the bed. He was so hungry for something but the exhaustion in his body was taking over.

Just as his eyes began to close he heard the door open and entered Hyunjin with a bowl of what was presumed to be broth and a thing of bread. Felix watched as Hyunjin made his way over towards the bed pulling the study chair close to the bed and sat down.

"You need to eat." Hyunjin spoke clearly taking note of how exhausted Felix looked.

Felix couldn't process what was happening as the fog in his brain began to thicken and the need for sleep washed over him.

Nodding slowly Felix reached out for the bowl trying to grab it but not having the grip strength to hold it.

"I—I can't hold it." Felix said quietly feeling useless.

Felix watched as Hyunjin rattled his brain on what to do, help Felix or not.

Felix heard his stomach screaming for food causing Hyunjin to make up his mind. His stomach grumbles were enough to make Hyunjin grab the spoon that was in the bowl. Felix through half open eyes watched as Hyunjin submerged the spoon under the liquid and slowly bringing a full spoon to Felix's mouth.

Feeling his eyes close he opened his mouth and took a spoonful of broth. Allowing the warm liquid to enter his mouth he closed his mouth and felt the presence of vegetables in the broth. Chewing slowly Felix was shocked as the flavor of chicken burst in his mouth and the supplemental flavors of vegetables followed.


He hadn't had any meat since being here and his stomach agreed as it growled and gurgled as he swallowed. Hearing Hyunjin scoop up another bite Felix gratefully took another bite. The flavors were so warm and welcoming allowing warmth to return to his cold body.

Scoop after scoop Felix could feel his stomach getting full and content. By the last bite Felix could barely keep his eyes open and slowly sank deep into the bed and let his eyes shut.

Hearing the scooting of the chair and the movement of Hyunjin getting up Felix turned over on his side letting his tired body begin to rest.

Catching the sound of Hyunjin's steps make his way to the door Felix had to stop Hyunjin from leaving.

"Thank you." Felix spoke softly and gently through half open eyes.

"You're welcome." Hyunjin responded, Felix feeling his gaze on him.

The sound of the door echoed throughout the quiet room as Felix felt his heart flutter at the kind gesture and response. Felix lay there waiting to hear the door shut before he let himself fall asleep.


The sound of the lock bounced in the room, and just like that Felix let himself slip into unconsciousness letting his body heal. 

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