The Light

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Pushing himself off the desk Felix stood up pulling up his pants sighing in frustration. Why was Hyunjin like this?

Looking around the room there was broth spilled all over the floor from where Hyunjin swiped it off the study desk. Walking over to toppled bowl he picked it up and set it back on the desk.

Quickly searching for something to soak the broth up he saw a rag sitting close to the desk. Grabbing it he began to clean the spilled broth causing his stomach to growl in hunger. His hunger has become more intense since Hyunjin started feeding more regularly. Ignoring his stomach he returned to cleaning up the broth.

While soaking up the broth Felix let his mind wander to the letter he read earlier. He had so many questions regarding the context of the letter. Who were the bad people and why were they in danger?

Sitting there in confusion Felix wanted answers and answers now.

That's when it clicked.

What if there are more letters, journals, something.

Pushing himself off the ground leaving behind the wet broth soaked rag he walked over to the desk. Scanning for drawers on the desk Felix began opening and searching through them only to find old paper, dried inkbottles with quills, and wax sealing supplies.

Giving up on searching the desk he walked over to the bookshelf. He was going to look through every book to search for answers.

Reaching for the top shelf Felix struggled to grab the first book. Getting frustrated that he couldn't reach the top Felix grabbed the study desk chair placing it in front of the shelf. Feeling the wobbliness underneath him Felix carefully reached for the first book.

Fanning through the pages there was nothing. Setting it back on the shelf Felix went down the row carefully and delicately fanned through pages hoping something would fall out.


There was nothing on the first shelf. Stepping carefully off the chair Felix put the chair back and returned to the bookshelf reaching for the second shelf.


He moved onto the third shelf and to his surprise again nothing. He was beginning to think that his plan to find out more would turn impossible. Sighing in frustration he moved to the fourth shelf. Pulling the first book he opened the it and saw that in the center of the book the pages were all cut out perfectly in the shape of a rectangle.

A journal.

Felix felt his heart jump to his throat as he reached in the perfectly cut rectangle to pull out a soft worn down leather journal that resided in the center of the carved out pages.

On the front of the journal was the same delicate handwriting that was on the letter "Hyunjinnie Birthday". Feeling his heart pick up he walked over to the study desk and sat down carefully opening the journal to the first page.

"Dear Hyunjinnie,

Today I got to bring you into this beautiful world. I remember crying the first time I heard you scream for air knowing that the best thing in my life was finally here.

The midwife placed you in my arms. I couldn't hold back my tears. You were beautiful. Although just born your warmth and smile radiated throughout my body making me feel like the luckiest mother in the world.

I promise to you Hyunjinnie to love you forever and unconditionally....

Mommy loves you."

~Red Moon~ *Hyunlix* Where stories live. Discover now