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Mias pov
My eyes shot open. Please tell me that was a dream. I look over to my left and there was Ava sleeping. I got up and felt shooting pains in my leg. I looked down it was true. Oh my god I have never felt much pain well maybe the day after losing my virginity (I couldnt help my self lol).

"Anyone?" I ask in a raspy voice. I was really thirsty. Oh god please tell me we have water. I hopped along the wall making my way through the house. I looked into the room that me and Thomas were staying in I foubd stuff on the bed. I hopped over there. I saw a letter and read it.
Dear Ava or Mia,
If your reading this we are gone. I never wanted this to happen but I left stuff for you guys. Under the bed are you clothes. Ava carl left you something. Mia I left you something. We miss you and cant stand this. In the closet there is a box it had food and water in it. Come and find us please. I will die without you.

Awwww Thomas I miss you. I realized no one is hear no one at all.
Hope you like it. If you read the Dixons how do you think Daryl leaving will do something. I hope u like this book and my other fanfictions. Who else is sad about Chandler and Hana? What about Chandler being on the talking dead?
-Dope Flesh Nation
Came up with that and that is how I will end these little notes. If anyone watched bf vs thiught of Dope Fresh Nation and went off that lol.

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