Chapter 10

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Mia's pov

I was so happy when Ava said she would do it. It's been almost 7 years since we saw them. I hope they didn't forget us. Of course they didn't, Carl won't be able to stop thinking about Ava becaiuse she has his hat. Thomas won;t forget about me because i was his crush since he met me, I also helped him lose his virginity. (Yas Mia, you go girl! lol) I still can't wait to see them! Oh yea the most important one, Brodie will meet her dad!

Ava's Pov
I can't sleep I'm so scared. I'm scared of him having a new girlfriend, him forgetting about me, and him not recognizing me. I know its crazy but stuff like this happens. I think the same about Thomas and Mia. It scares me have to death. I need to think of something nice to fall asleep. Let's think, what to think? Kitties and Puppies! Dead kitties and puppies. (see what I did there! lol) Well umm good enough for me. Death is fasinating says the bitch, me of course. I'm gonna go to bed.

Brodie's pov
I listened to mommy and aunties conversation. Yes, I snoop a lot! But, I'm gonna meet my daddy yay! I know I shouldnt snoop but I can't help myself. Its a natural thing for me. I shouldn't show my emotions either so time for me to sleep.

*in the morning*

Ava's Pov

Crap today's the day we have to do this, I am so not ready. I'm scared about what could have happened these past 7 years, it terrifies me. Well I guess I should wake up Brodie, not Mia cause I know she's already up. She probably didn't sleep at all. I slowly start to get up from the bed. I was still tired but I don't know why I woke up. Maybe its because I am a little happy for this. I don't know I'm still scared, well let's get Brodie. I walk to Brodie's room and her doors open. I walk in and she's not in there. Oh No! I ran downstairs and she's no where to be seen. God damnit Brodie. I have to find her. I run outside and here a scream. I run towards it, hoping I'll make it in time. I got there and shes in a tree ok, but there are walkers all around her. Fuck! I don't have my weapons. I limbed a tree close to her and went from branch to branch to get to her.

"What were you thinking."

"I wanted to be like you and mommy."

"Honey, you do that with us not alone."


"We have to get out of here."

"I don't know how?"

"Follow, can you skip trees well?"

"A little."

"You have to try really hard, ok?"

"Yea, where's mommy?"

"I don't know I was looking for you not her."

"Ok, we let's go before something happens."

"Good call."

Mias Pov

I can't find them did! did they leave me? No they wouldn't do that, they must be getting food to eat this morning. Well I guess I'll start packing. I go to Ava's room and pack her clothes, toothbrush, weapons, and oh Ava no, oh god no, her condoms. (yea just for you StephRiggs) Please tell me she's still a virgin. She never told me anything like that. Well she is 22 now, but last time she saw someone was when she was 15. I'll ask her later or I'll probably forget. Time to pack Brodie's stuff. I got to Brodie's ro and started packing her clothes, Mr.Muffins (her teddy bear), her toothbrush, one of her dads shirts (that's the only way I could get her to believe she had a dad), and a pocket knife. Yes, she has a pocket knife its the fucking zombie apocalypse and she knows how to use it. I then went to my room to pack. I grabbed my clothes, toothbrush, weapons, my arrow kit. (to make them and fix them) I finished packing personals but, in mine and Ava's we need good and water. I'm not going to have Brodie carry any because she will get tired easily. I walk downstairs and start packing food, when Brodie and Ava burst in the door.


I started throwing things in bags, guess Brodie will carry food. I threw them their bags and we ran out the door. We got pretty far, maybe a mile and stopped because Brodie was tired. It was getting late though so, I think we should find like a car to sleep in.

"Guys its getting late."

"Yea we should find somewhere to sleep."

"Yea I'm tired." Brodie said

we found somewhere and slept.

*in the morning*

Brodie's Pov

I was the last one up. Mommy and Auntie were out of the car and they were talking about something. I don't know what. I know what your thinking, go find out? Not today to lazy to spy. All let's get up anyways, so a can start going.

Ava's Pov

Brodie was just starting to get up, good! We can keep going.

"good morning sweety."

"morning mommy, do we have FOOD!"

"Yes in aunties bag."

"Thank you."

"Hurry up so a can leave soon though."


Brodie finishes up eating and we head on our way. It was so silent I started to speak.

"Hey Mia you think we will find them."

"Yea, we have the tracks,"

(if your wondering why there are tracks 7 years from when they were here before it will explain itself soon)

"Yea Auntie let's go faster so we can see."

I found the one tracks Mia was talking about. They started to fade like she said. That's when it hit me.

"ummmm, Mia how are there still tracks if they've been gone 7 years?"

"I don't know actually."

The night slowly came to an end and we hat to sleep. So we made a little camp.

*in the morning (again lol)*

Mias Pov

"Guys we need a fresh start let's go." I said.

"No!" Ava said.

"Get up before I slice your fucking throat!" (To StephRiggs)

"Ok I'm up, I'm up, I'm up."

"Good let's go."

So we started our Journey

*4 hours later*

We started to hear people voices. We were following them, Brodie seemed pretty scared but what 6 year old wouldn't be. We eventually caught up with the voices.

Ava's pov

We stood in the tree line trying to make out the faces of the people. Then I saw it, there in the front talking to everyone was Rick. Mia. Brodie, and I walked out of the trees. Most of the people saw us. I then spotted Carl and saw him with another girl then I saw Thomas with another girl.

I couldn't help but say "You motherfuckers are dead."
so how was it? I bet you didn't expect that, did you? well I hope you liked the length of it. if you havented heard I have a new schedule, I will post Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Comment plz - Dope Flesh Nation

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