Chapter 5

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*6 months later*
Miss pov
I'm getting big, really big. I don't want the day to come when I have my kid. I'm scared really scared. Does this have to happen? I want the kid so bad but I don't think he or she will ever be able to meet their dad. It makes me sad about how much he will miss.
Ava's pov
Mia is getting big. I think it's like 6 months now. I help her out as much as possible. I got better yay. We don't leave the house,well more like we haven't left yet. I leave but only to kill walkers around the house and to go on runs. I never leave without Carl's hat. On day I won't look the same and Carl will know it is me because of the hat. I can't wait till we see them again. I was tooken out of my thoughts by Mia.


"In the room,' I said.

"Ummm can you go on a run?"

"Yes what do you need?"

"We need baby food and baby clothes."

"Shouldn't we wait."

"Yes I guess so."

"Ok I'm gonna see of there are any walkers around the house."

"Ok." She said and I went outside. O walked around the house several times. I didn't see a single walker. Something is wrong its never this quiet. I walked out further and didn't see anything so I went back inside. I hope we get through this.

*3months later so now its 9months pregnant*

Sometime this month Mia should have her baby. She doesn't know what she's gonna name him or her. We keep talking about it but we don't know. I went out last month and got a bunch of baby stuff. So we have a closet full . I know what your thinking. Umm how are you going to take that with you? Well we are staying here for just a little bit and most of the stuff is food so we have to find a way to bring it with when we leave. I'm scared that Mia won't make it when she has the baby. I have to help her too. I'm so scared.
Hey guys so I want you to do something. OK let me tell you go and check out StephRiggs she has amazing books and comment on the chapter. -Dope Flesh Nation

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