Chapter 14

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Avas pov

Carl and I stopped on the side of the road to sleep for the night. I thought me and him should have found a house but he kept arguing with me. That's all we have been doing. Yes i get it people fight but not as much as me and him do. We fight over the littlest things ever. Like who should take first watch or drive. I think he needs rest that's all i'm thinking of and he doesn't see that. He sees it as i'm more important. I'm not saying i don't love it, I do but he needs rest too.I fell asleep losing all my thoughts.

*In the morning* 

I woke up and we were already on the road. Why did he get up? He should have slept more. I looked at the gas tank and it was almost empty.



"We need to stop."

"Ava I already told you we don't need to stop."

"CARL YES WE DO! YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME, LOOK WE ARE ALMOST OUT OF GAS AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN LOOK. PLUS, YOU HAVEN'T BEEN GETTING ENOUGH REST!" I screamed I don't know why but he needed to listen. I looked at him and saw he was frightened.

"Carl i." I said but was cut off.

"No Ava your right we need to stop and i have to listen to you. I'm just caught up in the fact that i lost my dad."

I know he's hurting so i went and gave him a hug.

"Let's find a spot we can stay ok?"

"Ya Ava we should."

We kept driving till we ran out of gas. Carl wanted to walk in front of me but i didn't let him. I knew exactly what road we were on and what place we could stay in.

Carls pov

I told Ava to stay behind me but of course she didn't listen. That's every Dixon for ya. We kept walking and she was leading me around like she knew the place. We stopped in front of a house, well more like i did she went right in. Again she was going through the house like she knew this place.


"Up here Carl."


I went upstairs and found her in a room with many boy stuff.

"What is this place?"

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