Chapter 18

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Avas Pov

I don't know where i am and i think i might die.  I'm scared, I know Mia would tell me to 'shut the fuck up and do what you think is right'. That is kinda why i did this but what if they hate me for what i did or what may happen. I know what i have to do and that is find Dad and Brodie. 

I walk around everywhere trying to find them getting lost and side tracked with some walkers. I know i should go back but still what if they die without help? What if they are waiting for someone to come rescue them? NO MORE WHAT IFS AVA YOU NEED TO FIND THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS. They are the ones that got me in this mess I mean i wont hate them for it but still. I should have listened to them and not gone. Now i'm lost and they are probably looking for me, God i'm such a dumb ass. 

Mias pov

I hope they find Ava. I know i should be hoping that they find my daughter and Dad but I know they will find us. Dad can take care of her i believe in him he is strong and protective.  Thomas better be helping them too. He sometimes gets selfish and does what he wants but corrects himself eventually. 

Thomas's pov

Carl is probably pissed at me but he needs to calm down. We have 1 day left to find her and we will i can feel it. I mean if we din't he could get super pissed I don't know and I don't want to think about it.  We should be able to find Ava or at least Brodie and Daryl. It can't be that hard. They are Dixons after all well besides Brodie well she is but Ugh i dont care anymore. 

Carls Pov

We have 1 day to find her. What if we dont? I would die i can't have her gone again. I love her and I was gonna ask her a very important qeustion. (Comment what you think it was) I need her here I can't live without her. 

We all headed back to the car to get some sleep when we heard a noise. We were all ready for the worst but people came out. We didn't know who they were It was dark and hard to tell. Then one of them talked.

"I need help finding me Mommy and Auntie!"

Right then i knew who that was. 

"Brodie? Daryl?" I asked.

"Carl! Where is my daughters?"

"Well Mia is back at the house. Ava we don't know she left early morning 2 days ago to look for you 2 and we can't find her."

"What you lost her. I told Grimes to take care of her watch over her."

"Which one?: Thomas asked.

"Rick dumbass!" Daryl said.


"Aunties dead?"Brodie said almost on tears. She still didnt notice her dad being here.

"No honey not at all." Thomas said making Brodie realize he was there.

"Daddy!" She said and ran to him. Ok enough of that back to Daryl.

"We need to find her Daryl." I said.

"Officially dumb ass." Daryl said.

"Calm down Daryl." Michonne said. (Not gonna lie forgot she was there lol) 

"No why should I, My daughter is gone because of them."

"NO DARYL YOUR DAUGHTER IS GONE BECAUSE OF YOU!" Michonne screamed. (Yas Yas Yas lol)


"Shes gone because she went out to look for you." 

" Oh ya."

"Well daryl we have 1 day till we have to head back wanna help?" Michonne asked.

"Of Course."


OMG IM SO SORRY. I havent been on here for awhile i have had very bad writers block. Im gonna post more today though. Have a good day and comment Plz- Dope Flesh Natipon


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