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Third person 

Ava survived the bite. She was immune to this disease. 

The cure was founded 3 years after Ava was bit and everyone got to live where they wanted.

The group decided to live in the same town together.

Carl and Ava Got married and had 3 kids. A set of twins both girls, there names were Skye and Luna. Then they had another girl whose name was Lori.

Rick and Michonne got married and had a kid his name was Hershel. (#Richonne)

Mia and Thomas got married and had one more kid his name was Alfie and of course they had Brodie.

Daryl and Carol ended up getting married a couple years after the cure, they had no kids sadly but they were a happy couple. (Dont know if they have a ship name)

They still all got together and hung out partied but they all loved eachother and still prayed for the lost ones.


I hope you all loved my book!  I lvoe you guys Comment Plz -Dope Flesh Nation

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