Chapter 11

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I heard Thomas say "fuck" yea he knows what is going on, well probably not cause we will kill these bitches. I start my way over to Carl. Then I saw dad and know what he would do. I slap Carl so hard he falls over. Then I throw his hst on him.

"You asshole, I knew I could never trust you."

Then I turn to the bitch.

"Your turn." I say.

She starts running so I threw my knife in the back of her leg, and she falls over.

"Oh no your not getting out of this BITCH!"

I walk up to get and start chopping off limb by limb. Listening to her screams which are like music to my ears. (Wow I realized that sounds so sexual OH WELL!)

Mias pov

I look at Brodie. Me and her move closer to the group. I talk loud enough so the whole group can hear me.

"Hey Brodie, see that man right there that's your father."


"Yea, but he's kissing the other girl."

Brodie runs up and stabs her in the stomach. That's my baby girl (StephRiggs , yep!) I then walk up and stab the slut in the neck and push her on the ground. I laugh as she bleeds out. Then I look at Thomas.

"Why, I trusted you."

I don't let him respond I punch him in the face, he falls over but gets back up. Dad runs up and hugs me then turns to Thomas.

"You got my daughter pregnet, you son of a bitch." Then he punches Thomas which knocked him out.

"Hey brodie."

"Yea mommy?"

"That's your grandpa."



Brodie runs up and gives dad a hug.

"I love you, grandpa."

Awwwww how sweet.

Carl's pov

I wanted to crawl down and die. Ava didn't trust me and I don't think she ever will again. I hated myself. I never did anything with Lilly (bitches real name). I never could because of Ava. I lover Ava to much. I never even missed Lilly. I have to make Ava understand that. While I was in the middle of my thoughts I was slapped.

"Are you listening to me?" Ava asked.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You have to explain yourself, tonight."

"Ok, thank you."


"When did you cut your hair?"

"Nope were done talking till tonight."

"Oh ok." I said sadly. Darly walked over to me and helped me up.


"No problem, I know you lov ava more than you did Lilly."


"You never missed her or anything, you even made lulky get her own tent. I respect you." (Wow that's weird for Daryl lol)

"Thank you, daryl"


Avas pov

I heard some of what dad said.
Is it true? If it is I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! Oh my baby I slapped him I'll fix it tonight.

Mias pov

I thought this would never happen to me and Thomas. It breaks me. Then Thomas slot started to get up.

"Thomas you have some explaining to do."

"I know we will talk about it later privately."

Thomas's pov

I know I shouldn't have but I thought she died. I still love her more than Christine. I will The myself forever know. No one will
ever know what this feels like, well besides Carl of course. He also never kissed Lilly Luke I did Christine. We never went further then a pecj on the lips. We shared a tent though, oh god kill me now.

*later that night*

Ava's pov

Carl took me to his tent.

"Please explain what I saw."

"She was alone and needed someone close to her. I got close to her in a brotherly way. That wasn't enough so she tried to commit suicide plenty of time we stopped her. Then one day she asked me out, that happened like a month ago, I couldn't say no, which would make her kill herself. So I said yes even though I didn't want to cause I love y...."

I cut him off by crashing my lips to his.

Carl's pov

Why did she kiss me? I thought she hated me. Well I guess not. Time to take this to the next level. I slowly entered my tounge in her mouth. I knew she loved it
Cause the let it happen. She tool it to the next level and well you can guess what happened that night.

Mias pov

I was heading to Thomas's tent when I heard moaning. I followed it and got to Carl's tent. AVA WHAT THE FUCK! She better be tsinv condoms. He he just got an evil plan. I'll embarrass them in the morning. Yes that's so evil, wait make this so bad in front of dad. Well I'm getting away from this moaning fest. So I head back to Thomas's tent to talk yo him. When I get there before I walk in I listen. He was crying and saying stuff like "I'm so stupid" and "shell never trust me again" maybe I will. I open the tent and walk in, he doesn't stop crying.

"Hey thomas."

"Hi," he said sniffling.

"Don't cry." I said wiping his tears.

"I can't help it."

"You never lost me."


"Yea, I was just mad because of Brodie."

"Is she really my daughter?"


"Oh my god! I'm a dad!"

"That's enough, I still want an explanation."

"Well she came here with Lilly, she was alone and afraid. I was told by Glenn that I had to date her or he would kill me. Part of the reason was because Maggie was jealous. She thought Glenn was flirting. Well when I hung out with her Glenn yelled at me. He told me we had to be a real like a real couple. Of course she didn't know. When you cane and killed her I was happy cause I love you not her."

"I love you too." I said and kisses him and started to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"To get Brodie from dad."

"Oh ok."

Thomas's pov

Im So happy she forgave me. She is gonna be staying in my tent with Brodie. Then my thoughts were stoped when they came into the tent. Brodie ran up to me and hugged me.

"I love you daddy!"

"I love you too."

Then we all cuddled and fell asleep.

Sorry I didn't post on Friday or Monday I was super busy. Hope you liked it. Im also thinking of making a carl and chandler imagine book. Well I just gotta say AVA AND CARL FINNALLY!!!! lol comment plz -dope flesh nation

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