Chapter 17

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Avas Pov

I know i shouldn't have left but I had to. Well i didn't but-shut up Ava you did the right thing. 

Carls Pov

Thomas, Michonne, and I were going to find Ava and maybe Daryl and Brodie.  I hope I find Ava at least. I don't even know why she left because Daryl is a pretty strong man and we don't even know if Brodie is with them.  I can't say that of course Brodie is with him. I have to stay strong and not give up. 

Avas Pov

I have no idea where i am and i am really freaking out. What if I don't find them. What if I can't find my way back? AVA DIXON SHUT THE HELL UP YOU WILL FIND THEM! I told myself. I know I can find them and i can't doubt myself.

Carls Pov

We have been looking all day and haven't found them yet. We only have 2 days. This sucks I can't believe she did that to me after she told me she wasn't. If anything happens to her it will be my fault, all my fault.

Michonnes Pov

I think we can find them and so can Carl but, when i look at Thomas i don't think he is here to find Ava. I can see it in his eyes. He is probably only out here to find Brodie. He doesn't care about Ava not at all and i don't know if Carl can see it or not. 

"So how are you guys?" I said awkwardly breaking the silence. 

"Not good Michonne." Carl said.

"Hey Carl we will find her i promise."

"We don't know that Michonne."

"Carl dont give up on her already. She's a tough girl, She's a Dixon god damn it she's fine."

"Maybe your right."

"Maybe? No! I'm right and you know it." I said laughing.

"Ya your right." He said laughing as well. Nice to here him laugh again. 

"You guys act like we are out her just to find Ava." Thomas said. Told you he's only here to find Brodie.

"What we came out here to find Ava that's the only reason we came out here!" Carl said officially pissed. Ya know he gets pissed easily. 

"I only came out here to find Brodie and help you find Ava if we aren't gonna even look for Brodie then i'm leaving." Thomas said. 

"Um Thomas that's not just Brodie you would be finding it would be Daryl too." I said butting in.

"What? Oh ya sorry I forgot about him." Thomas said.

Thomas's Pov

I miss Brodie and I want her back. I mean ya i originally came out here to help find Ava. Then it turned in to me only caring about Brodie. I don't know why but it did. Ok Thomas if you don't help what could happen? I don't know but i'll help I shouldn't have said that. 

"Sorry I'll help find Ava I don't know what i was thinking."

"Ya you better." Carl Said.


Hey guys sorry if it was so short but i'm having writers block LOL. um i wanted to say there are only 3 OR 4  chapters left in this book and that will be the end of this series.I didn;t post yesterday either cause i had alot to do. SORRY GUYS! Also chech out Hotties2002 That is my other account it is a shared one but i have a chandler fanfic on that one and i will work on that one a little more. Comment Plz- D.F.N

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