Chapter 15

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(The video is for what they sing later ENJOY!)

Mias pov (shes alive yay) 

It's just me, Thomas, Rick, and Judith. We keep walking and trying to find Ava and Carl. We knew they were together, i thought i knew where they were but no one else thought i was right. The place i thought they were was my old house. She missed that place and wanted to go back there a lot when we were a kid trying to live through this.  She said she wanted to play video games and take a shower again and our house had all that with electricity. I was really get pissed at them. I knew my  sister and I know Carl would never leave her side no matter how much of a pain of an ass she is. 

"Guys we need to go to my house."

"Mia i have told you they are NOT gonna be there." Rick said turning around.

"Im going you guys can go whatever way but ill prove to you they are there." I said and started walking the way to my house. It was probably an hour or so away ya we were pretty close. I never wanted to go back i had bad memories of my mom there. 

"Mia!" Thomas screamed. 

"Either come with or meet me here in a couple of days." I guess that got there attention cause they came running to catch up with me. 

Thomas's pov

I know they are not gonna be there, Rick has made that very clear. 

Avas pov

Carl and I got up this morning  and i made a can of soup. It was so gross it was probably expired but hey it's food. When we were done eating Carl said he was gonna go explore the house and i went upstairs and read a book. I was reading paranomacly. It's a weird title for a book but it was about paranormal stuff pretty fun to read. Then we had walker troubles, it sucked cause i wanted to keep reading but hey killing walkers was fun too. I was waiting for Carl to leave me alone so i could read again cause the book rocked. 

"Carl stop!"I said laughing cause he was tickling me.

"Why should i?"

"I love you!" I said copying what he said yesterday.

"Good enough." He said stopping.

"Thank you baby!"

"love you too."

"Yep you better." I said and sat on my better and grabbed the book.

"Hey Ava what you reading?"

"A book try one sometime."

"I read books."

"Those are comic books honey and you only read them because Michonne brings them to you."

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