Chapter 19

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Carls Pov

We have been nonstop searching for Ava. I need her now I don't want to be without her for any longer. I have gotten very distant with everyone. I know i shouldn't but it's just so natural for me to do that. Like when my Mom died i did the same thing. I only do this when i care about someone a lot. I love her to death and would die for her.  You are probably thinking ugh this why this, to much lovey dovey stuff. But you would be the same way. (REMEMBER DON'T BE LIKE ME YOU CANT START A SENTENCE WITH BUT lol) It's just if you care about someone you would go to the end of the earth to find them. 

Avas Pov

I'm scared of what could come. If i get bit or kidnapped or maybe I will find Dad and Brodie or they will find me. I don't know but I'm regretting coming out here. It's a lot of work to live on your own and i forgot how hard that was. I have been with someone for the past 12 years. I did have that one time though.


I was 12 years old and ran from Mia. She has changed since we lost Mom and Dad. She used to be sweet to me and our parents but now she is being really mean to me like she did to Sophia when we were with them. I miss them a lot. Lord help me please.

-End Of Flashback-

I was gone for a month before Mia found me. I was so happy to see her. She kept me safe and she didn't understand how much i cared even if i didn't show it. After we found the group again that turned to Carl. He doesn't understand how much i care about him. I need them! That's also why i came out to find my Dad. I couldn't loose him again, We just got him back and i was getting used to being around him again. I love him even if he thinks i hate him.

Daryls Pov (I know lots of Povs just wanted to describe whats happening really lol)

Everyone is losing hope and i think Carl and I are the only ones that still have it. I know and i bet he does too. Only a Dixon can kill a Dixon!!!!!!!

Thomas's Pov

I'm losing hope i can't stand to do this anymore. Ya ya I know only a Dixon can kill a Dixon but sometimes the walkers over power that. She came out here and I know Carl told her not to but she still did she is a dumb ass. I will say it even if her family hates me including Mia. I get it I'm not supposed to do or say that stuff because of Mia but I don't give a shit anymore, cause honestly it scares me out here. 

Michonne Pov (I will explain something about her at the end just want to clear something up)

I know Ava is out there she is a strong girl and i think of her as my own daughter. I know if i said that out loud Daryl would get mad because he is still in love with Bella even if she died awhile back. Like 7 years ago but i can see he is starting to fall for carol I bet if Bella was or is watching she is pissed as hell. Makes me laugh to think of Bella getting jealous, cause she used to get jealous of Carol all the time. 

I know we will find Ava and she will be alive or maybe in some other way but we will find her.

Mias Pov

I can't stand to think about Ava being alone. I remember when she ran from me when we were 12 but it scares me. When she ran from me she told me about all her close calls with the walkers what if it gets to close and she gets bit ugh i would not be able to stand that. I would die oh my god thinking about it just makes me want to cry. I know if they find her she will be alive in someway walker or not she will be there.

Ricks Pov

I've tried to sit down and think about Ava but every time i do Judith starts screaming something is wrong with her. I wish we still had Hershel. This would be so much easier. If i just gave the prison to him we would be in this situation with no doctor and having to worry about getting sick and dying. I know we have bigger issues right now but i can't stop thinking about the prison because if we had the prison this wouldn't be happening ugh all i can do is blame myself for all of this. 

Judiths Pov

poop poop poop poop poop puke puke puke puke eat eat eat eat sleep sleep sleep (Idk don't ask lol)

Brodies Pov

I want to see Auntie so we can go back home I don't like doing all of this walking. Why didn't Daddy just take me home? He said Mommy was there and i would rather be with Mommy than Daddy I don't know why. When we find Auntie than we can go home and I'll walk with her home instead of Daddy. I don't really like Daddy he was mean to Mommy when we first found him. Oh well but we have to walk more noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I don't wanna.

Avas Pov

I keep thinking off Brodie's little face smiling up at me and hugging me to death with Dad in the corner waiting for his hug. I sat down and decided to sing a song for Brodie not to loud though or it would attract the walkers but loud enough so that i could hear.


Come on skinny love just last the year

Pour a little salt we were never here

My my my, my my my, my-my, my-my

Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer

Tell my love to wreck it all

Cut out all the ropes and let me fall

My my my, my my my, my-my, my-my

Right in the moment this orders tall

And i told you to be patient

And i told you to be fine

 And i told you to be balanced 

And i told you to be fine


I had to stop singing because i heard a noise i got to my feet and turned towards that noise. 

A herd came out of nowhere and it being dark i could barely see where all of them were. I started to back up slowly when i felt a sting feeling in my wrist.

I WAS BIT!!!!!!!!!!


Omg guys Ava was bit. Ok the thing about Michonne, she did loose her son during the split before Mia had Brodie, but no one says anything cause it is a touchy subject. I know i haven't posted in awhile and when i was gonna post more that day we had stuff we had to do i know i have had a lot of stuff going on then I had writers block all of a sudden today i had the urge to write and i have a lot of ideas for the next chapter be ready!!!!  Now there is 1 CHAPTER LEFT!!!!!!!

Then there will be a EPILOUGE!!!!!!!!! Yayayayay Comment Plz-Dope Flesh Nation

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