Chapter 20

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Avas Pov

Omg i got bit. Im gonna die! Im gonna die! Why me Why me? I ran from them just ran i didnt care if i ran into any of them or if they were in my way i just wanted to be alone and cry. I was gonna die and there was no way for me to live but, I wasn't gonna be like everyone else i'm gonna try to get through this. I know no one lives getting bit but, I wanna try. I wanna be that one person to not give up to try there best and push through it. To be the one to go through the fever and live to tell about it. To be the one that has a bite mark and proudly say i lived through it. But I know that won't happen I will die and there is no say in it.

I ran i needed to get out of there i needed to find Carl and Mia again even if Dad and Brodie were close to me there was no way i would survive this and i wanted to say my goodbyes before anything happens to me. 

Running was hard i was getting dizzy from the blood lose. I knew i was gonna pass out but i didn't want to believe it. I wanted to get to them to tell them how much I love them and how much I car about them. There is no way in hell this is gonna push me from doing that. HELL NO! 

I saw the end of the woods and darted for them i needed to get out of there. I needed to get to them. I was getting really tired though and wanted to stop next car i see. I will just rest my eyes just rest them nothing else. 

I got out of the tree line to see a car just sitting there. I didn't care if there was anybody in there. My muscles. I know i said i wouldn't stop but maybe i can live through resting my eyes. I mean no harm in that right. I got in the car to be surprised that there was no one in here. Well thats what you get nowadays.  I got in there and cried just cried this was not how i wanted to die. Not at all. I ended up falling asleep not wanting to at all. 


Walkers, walkers everywhere thats all you saw were walkers.

-End of dream-

I woke up really hot. This must be the fever part great. Maybe i can die here and not have to have everyone watch me die that would be a better idea right.

"No its not." Someone said. What the fuck how did they know what i was thinking. 

"Look at me Ava"


"Yes now listen you find those people. You tell them what happened. You tell them you love them and care about them. You tell them not to kill you that you want to try and live through this not be killed. You show them YOU ARE NOT WEAK!"

"Uncle Merle that sounds nothing like you."

"I've changed Ava. I changed the day i saw your Dad crying over me being dead. I knew then being an ass was never the solution, that being who you are is what you need to do not be some ticking time bomb ready to blow at any minute."

"But Merle I'm tired I can't move."

"No honey i wasn't saying now you get some sleep I'll  make sure you live to tell them."


"Yes I hope."

"Thanks i love you Merle."

"I love you too."

I closed my eyes and fell asleep again.

Carls Pov

Our 3 days are up. We need to had back to the car and go back to the rest of them. I can't believe we didn't find her. I will always blame myself for this. If i stayed up with her then i could have convinced her not to go. That it wasnt safe she could have died.

Michonne came over and put a hand on my shoulder.

"We will talk to your Dad about coming out and doing more searches." She said.


"Anyways Daryl will no matter what. He might not today but hes exhausted he told me he hasnt had sleep in days."

"Ok." I said i didn't really care what people said right now i didnt have my Ava back. It didnt matter anymore.

We were heading back to the car and nobody was talking. We were all disappointed that we didn't find her. We got back to the car. I open the back seat and fall to the ground crying. There she was in the backseat of OUR car. But there was blood what happened to her. I picked up her arm and looked she was bit. I cried and fell to the ground screaming NO. This is not what i wanted. One by one everyone started to look at what i just saw. Michonne Daryl and Brodie were crying and Thomas was on the verge of tears. He tried to be strong but he cried too. This was not what any of us wanted. 

Avas Pov

I woke up and sat up to crying and screaming. I looked right out the now open door and saw Carl, Michonne, Thomas and oh my god Dad and Brodie. I didn't want to attract any attention so i put my hand on Carl's shoulder and squeezed it telling him i was there. He looked up with fear but then he cried again see i was fine but he had to see me die. He puled out his gun and put it to my head. I moved quickly from the gun. 

"No!" I said and they all looked at me funny.

"Ava we need to put you down. You will turn."Michonne said.

"I dont care. I wanna try to live through this. Be able to tell you guys how the fever was and what it felt like to have all of this happen. I dont wanna die." I said.

"Ava I love you but we don't want to see you die in front of us and turn." Dad said and Brodie shook her head yes. 

"I know but i was told to do this to. To try and survive this not to give up. Not to be weak," I said almost crying remembering who told me.

"Who?" Carl asked.


"What he died, there is no way he told you that." Thomas said clearly mad.

"Well hello asshole. I may be crazy but i saw what i saw and heard what i heard. I wanna try and survive this." I said.

"Ava please just let us do this." Dad said.

"No this is not your choice it is mine and if i get killed in my sleep i will come and haunt all of you." I said not caring if they were family or not.



Ok now the epilogue hope you guys enjoyed this Comment Plz _ D.F.N

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