Chapter 8

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Mias pov

Me and Brodie are still hunting. We were about to finish up when u aw the tracks Ava told me about. So I followed them.

Ava's pov

Mia and Brodie were out hunting so, I decided to do something I never wanted to do awhile back. I am going to cut my hair! I went to go get the scissors when I heard a noise coming from the back room. I went to go check it out and when I was about to open the dour, I heard scratching sounds. I gripped the knife harder and took it from my belt. I grabbed the handle and opened the door quickly. A possum ran out the door. I threw my knife at it and it fell over. Yes more food! I picked it up and took it to the kitchen, then I went to get the scissors. I got the scissors and went to the kitchen again. I started cutyingg my hair little by little watching it fall to the ground. I realized I needed q mittir so I ran to the bathroom and started evening I out.

Brodie's pov

Mommy kept following the footprints until the faded.
"Now what mommy?"

"Oh we'll get Auntie, she can track better than me."

"No one can do anything getter than you mommy."

"I wish that was true,now we got to get back home."

"Ok," I said and we started to head home."

Mias pov
We just got home and I saw a dead possum and hair on the floor. Of course I thought the worst and I guess Brodie did too.
"Auntie where are you?"

"Coming Brodie." Ava said. Oh my god she's ok. Then Ava cane out with her hair cut.
Sorry or the short chapter. How was the chapter. I wanted to let you know that Ava is 22 and Mia is 23. Comment plz -Door Flesh Nation

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