Chapter 12

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"This just in, the nameless villain that had recently surfaced is attacking this very moment! We now cut to live footage of the attack!" 

Hysteric laughter could be heard as the camera man struggled to focus on the villain causing chaos and bloodshed. Buildings were breaking down sending debris in every direction, some nearly hitting the camera. "That's correct, the nameless villain had just started reeking havoc on this city, not twenty minutes ago! Order to evacuate are underway!" Screams from the crowd made the reporters words hard to understand. The camera man focused in on the villain, sparks of red lighting struck from his body, causing the ground to break open and cave in under him. Though he would not fall under with it, as his body hovered in the air. 

"Heroes had been contacted to try and take down this villain, but upon arrival they were all met with gruesome deaths! The horror was too much to catch on film and-what's that? Folks I'm getting a new report...Ah! A miracle! Pro hero Hawks is on the way! Surely he will be able to take down this fiend!" His words caught the villain's attentions. His head snapped towards the camera man and the reporter, causing the two to yelp in shock.

He looked different than before. His short white hair was now long and wild and swayed with the harsh winds. His red eyes glowed like the brightest of rubies. His pale body was covered head to toe in blood red markings, matching the glow of his eyes. His shirt had ripped off as his power took over and the destruction began. 

A smirk slowly formed on the villain's face. "W-what does this monster want? What is he trying to achieve from all this bloodshed?" Within a split second, the villain was inches away from the reporter. "So annoying...Shut up already." He raised his hand, sparks shooting from his fingers. The camera was dropped to the ground by the villains feet, there was screaming before bright red blood splattered across the camera. Then there was silence...

After a few seconds, the camera was picked up. The villain smirked as he spoke. "What do I want? What am I trying to achieve? Simple." He chuckled. "I want to make a new age of darkness and death. I will become so powerful, that I will surpass All For One himself! And no one, will ever stop me! Anyone who tries will be given the same treatment as the poor excuses for heroes!" The screen of the camera began to crack.

"And by the way..." He said much more calmly. "The name's Hakai, remember it well..."

And with that, the screen went black. 

Hakai threw the camera off somewhere. "That should get that feathered fuck's attention." He laughed. Though, it wasn't Hawks that he wanted to kill, he would have to do for now. Dabi was the one he was after, he needed to be taught a lesson. But right now, Hawks was in his way. Hakai's eye twitched, he turned quickly and shot out a blast of energy, it struck a near collapsed building, destroying it completely. "You missed." Hawks appeared from behind him before his feathered pierced into Hakai's body.

Hawks yelled out as he launched Hakai as far up into the air as he could, before slamming him back down into the ground as hard as he could. Smoke whooshed past Hawks as Hakai hit the hard ground. Hawks shot through the smoke, blade of his own feather in hand. He aimed just above Hakai's chest. "Too slow, shit head!" Hakai shot sparks of lighting at Hawks just as he appeared above him. Hawks quickly dodged, the sparks only grazing his skin. 

"You know..." Hakai ripped the feathers from his body. "I was hoping for the League to show up." Hawks glared down at him. "Why? So you could have some backup?" Hakai laughed. "Backup!? Don't tell me you actually listen to those nasty news rumors! The League and I, got nothing to do with each other." 

'Him and the league aren't associated? Then why does he want them here?' Hawks thought, while also planning his next move. "It's not even the League I really want." Hakai held his out his open palm before clenching it into a fist, in a crushing manor. "I want Dabi." 

"Dabi?" Hawks raised an eyebrow. "That's right. Dabi. He's the first on my 'crush the League of Villains' list! What? You got dibs on killing him first?" Hakai chuckled. Hawks clicked his tongue. " After what he's done, he deserves to get his ass kicked. But even so-" Hawks aimed his blade at Hakai again. "We heroes try not to kill our opponent. Dabi needs to be punished justly. But for you I'll make an exception." 

Hakai's grin widened.

 "You'll die trying..." 

Many people were left stunned by the sudden breaking news, the sight of the gruesome scene that took place shook most to their core. Even Y/n who had witnessed the whole thing take place, instead of some who would turn it off after so much carnage was shown. "Keigo..." Her voice was shaky. She knew Hawks was strong, but so was Hakai. From the destruction she had just witnessed, she knew Hakai was no one to be overlooked. She could only hope and pray that Hawks would come back from this battle.

"Wait a minute...That city isn't too far from here." As soon as the words escaped her mouth, she shook her head. No way, even if she did go, what could she do? She was a quirkless nobody. She couldn't help Hawks in the slightest. And yet...she wanted to be there. She needed to be there. She couldn't wait around for who knows how long for the news that Hawks had died. The very thought of it made her heart ache. No, she had to be there. Even if just to cheer him on from the sidelines.

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