26. Dancing

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Y O U R   P E R S P E C T I V E

Feeling angry and embarrassed I followed Jimin out of the room while he held my hand. 

'I present to you: Lady y/n,' he said bowing cordially and shoving me forwards. All the boys stared at me, some of their mouths were open. 

'You look stunning,' Jungkook said with big eyes. 

'Thanks,' I said, looking away in embarrassment. I left out the "Oppa" because I was still pissed at him for cutting my session with Jimin short. 

Their gaze made me really self-conscious about the way I looked. Would they be able to see that I had just been giving Jimin head? 

I quickly scanned the room. 

The boys all looked great too. All of them were dressed in black, all of them in outfits that made my stomach flutter. 

'You really do look beautiful Y/n,' Yoongi said nodding, 'but we really gotta go right now. The taxi is waiting for us,' he urged.

I quickly grabbed my purse and we all left the apartment. 

When we got outside, it became clear their "taxi" was what I would call a "limousine".

'Can I sit next to you?' Jungkook asked as we entered the limousine. 

I had barely time to answer when Jimin already pushed me into the limo. 

I had never been inside one before. The seats were span across the sides and there were lights on the ceiling. 

There was some scuttling to make all of us fit, but eventually, I ended up in between Jungkook and Jimin.


J U N G K O O K   P E R S P E C T I V E

I had finally managed to take the seat next to her. I knew I had to be careful, and control my mind so as not to grow an instant boner. 

She looked especially amazing tonight. As always Jimin had managed to pick the perfect outfit. A simple dark red satin dress that fitted her curves like a glove. It looked so fucking hot. 

I wanted nothing more than to rip it in two.

I looked at her. Y/n was looking down, grinning slightly. I looked down too. Jimin was holding her hand. 

A slight surge of jealousy rose inside me. 

How had he managed to do that?

I looked at her face again. 

She seemed happy about it. 

I looked at the other boys, they had all spotted y/n holding hands with Jimin, who was looking smugly out of the window. They all looked the same way as I felt. Jealous.

Not that we didn't want Jimin to hold her hand, or that we didn't think he deserved her. But because we all wanted to hold her hand too. 

'Where are we going?' Y/n asked suddenly, looking up at the guys. 

'Highlight Room,' Namjoon answered immediately. 'It's a club you can only get into if you're a member, so we don't have to worry about fans,' he explained.

'I'm not a member,' y/n said worriedly. 

'Don't worry baby, you're with us,' Jimin said sweetly, as he put his free arm around her. 

He was purposely messing with us now, calling her baby and hogging her like that. 

'Right,' she nodded, her face still unsure. 

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