Parental Guidance pt.2

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Natsu had never seen Layla make a face like that, not even back in his elementary days when he was a trouble student. She held an angry look for a second before rubbing at her temples and groaning, "Oh my goodness gracious…"

"What is it?" Jude didn't like being out of the loop like this, and he had a bad feeling. "What's the matter?"

Layla didn't seem to hear him, she was too lost in her thoughts, "You… you just can't be serious…"

"Mom," Lucy hated to see her mother react this way. It was still incredibly nerve-wracking, but she at least found the strength to speak, "Please don't be mad… I'm so sorry." 

"Sorry about what?" Jude huffed, and he seemed to catch on to the fact that his daughter must've done something wrong for them to be acting like this, yet he still went ignored. 

"Lucy…" Layla looked at her for a second, but then averted her gaze as she asked, "Is it true?" 


"...Since when?"

"Three weeks ago, but I found out a few days ago." 

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because," Lucy sniffled, and wiped at her eyes when she knew she couldn't hold it in any longer, "B-because I knew you'd be disappointed."

Jude was more than irritated at this point, "Can someone please explain what all of this is?" 

"She's pregnant, dear," Layla sighed, and nodded her head when he gaped at her. 

"She's-" He didn't seem to believe the words coming out of his mouth as he looked his daughter in the eyes, "You're pregnant?"

The look of utter disappointment that crossed Jude's face made the tears streaming down Lucy's cheeks thicken, but he didn't say anything. 

For some reason, his silence was loud and clear, and Lucy shrunk in her spot. 

"I just can't fathom…" Layla tried her best to pull it together, but it felt like the wind was just knocked right out of her, "How could you let this happen..?"

"I'm confused," Natsu grumbled, he seemed to be quietly observing everyone's reactions until now, "You didn't seem nearly as shocked when I spoke to you." 

"Well of course not! When you told me you got a girl pregnant, I didn't think you meant my daughter!" 


"And you're planning on dropping out? What, are you going to try and work full time?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna get another job, too," Natsu was awfully calm about all of this, he didn't seem much too bothered at all, "We'll figure it out, I'm sure. I'm gonna make sure Lucy's okay, no matter what." 

He didn't say it, but it was clear that his words had another meaning. We're going through with this, with or without your help.

Jude had heard more than enough, and he narrowed his accusatory eyes at his daughter, "...Did you do this on purpose?"

"W-what?" Lucy's face morphed with confusion as she realized what he just said, "I- Of course not! It was an accident..."


"Um, yes? Why on earth would I choose to get pregnant right now!?"

"All you've been talking about is being more 'independent.' I feel like you wanted this to happen so you could prove a point."

Lucy stared at her father in utter disbelief. The fact that he could just accuse her of something like this made her blood boil, and she practically growled, "I want independence because of this! I can't do anything for myself without it being a problem! This was clearly a mistake, I can't believe you would think I'd have a baby just to spite you!"

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