More Than Friends (NSFW)

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"Mira? I'm here," Cana looked every bit of how frazzled she felt as she bustled into the Fairy Tail Café. She made it just before her 30 minute time limit, having thrown on a pair of sweatpants and an easy-to-slip-on tube top, holding her coat tight to keep herself warm.

Mira was waiting on a table when she saw her, so she calmly set the customer's plate of food down in front of them and sent Cana a look that she could easily decipher.

Meet me in the back. 

Trying not to draw any more attention to herself, Cana scurried to the kitchen in the back, and all heads turned to her when she stepped in. 

Lisanna and Elfman were prepping ingredients and boxing up some orders, both of them stopping to gape at the brunette. 

"Cana? Ah, Mira did say she needed to talk to you immediately. You must be who she was on the phone with earlier," Elfman deduced, though he looked a bit worried, "Good luck, I haven't seen her that grumpy in a long time."

"Cana! What're you doing in my kitchen, kid?" An older man laughed as he came out of the kitchen's walk-in refrigerator, "I hope you're not here to distract these two."

"Oh, hey Gramps, I'm just here 'cause Mira demanded I talk to her, and I'm not tryna get my ass beat. What're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be retired?"

"Just some inspections, making sure these kids don't tear up the place."

Seeing Gramp's kind smile helped to ease all of the tension Cana had built up inside, feeling lighter than she had in the past couple of days. "Gramps…" She sighed, unable to stop herself, "I've been stressed out of my mind lately. It's good to see you again, really."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, my dear. Actually, Mirajane has told me a few things… She thinks can help you."

Hearing that made Cana feel like a burden, and tensions were high again as the sound of the clicking of Mira's heels entered the room.

"I'm going on my break. Lisanna, you'll take over on waiting tables while Elfman stays and handles the cooking."

Her voice was kind but firm, her siblings immediately taking over the roles she gave them. She then smiled down at Gramps, "Mister Makarov, I take it the inspection has gone well?"

"Yes, as always, Mirajane…" 

"That's great news."

Anyone could tell that something was off, but Makarov knew better than to say anything about it. "Go on and enjoy your break, dear."

"Right," Finally, Mira looked Cana in the eyes. She held her gaze long enough for it to become eerie, and motioned her to follow, "Outside, please."

Cana said nothing on the way out, clinging onto her coat as they went out into the chilled air. Mirajane leaned on the stone wall of the back of the building, staring out at the empty lot before them. 

"...I'm sorry, again," The brunette whispered, causing Mira to turn to her. 

"I know. I just want you to talk to me. What's going on with you, sweetheart? I'm seriously starting to worry about you."

Hearing that endearment brought a wave of nostalgia to Cana, the waitress' sweetness right now completely contradicting how angry she had to have been. "It's a lot. I guess watching the girl I've been in love with for years get further out of reach as she becomes closer and closer to one of my closest friends has really fucked me up."

"Oh dear. So this is about your feelings for Lucy? Gildarts told me you've been trying to stop drinking, too, and that you relapsed last night because Lucy rejected you. Is that true?"

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